"Are You Listening?" - Part Four: "My Little Rider"

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Inspired By♥️: EMILY - PLAZA

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Inspired By♥️:
Beating Down Yo Block - Monaleo.
LOYALTY - Kendrick Lamar ft. Rihanna.
FRIENDS - The Carters.

Sliding open the glass doors to the balcony, you stepped out into the bright sunshine

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Sliding open the glass doors to the balcony, you stepped out into the bright sunshine. The day's cheer stood in stark contrast to the hollowness within you. It felt like a cruel joke, the events of the past week, unfolding just before today. A humorless laugh escaped your lips, cold and laced with bitterness.

Leaning against the balcony railing, you glanced at the text you had read a dozen times since it arrived. The screen illuminated your sullen features. You knew you looked like hell and didn't care.

Shouldn't the outside match what's within?

Each time you read the message, your emotions spiraled. It all felt consuming. How could words rattle you this much? Rereading it, you practiced deep breathing, willing the unshed tears away.

Whether spoken aloud or written in text, his words affect me. Love can be a dangerous game. It's most certainly not for the weak. If only he would give me space and time to think—No. What is there to think about? I can't trust him—it's over. I've got enough shit to deal with. He knows that.

Even your inner thoughts weren't enough of a distraction. Rio's words poured back into the line of sight, and you reread the message.

Maybe: Husband🥰♥️💍: It's not lost on me that I'm the last person you want to hear from. Knowing what the date is and that we're the only two people who know the significance of it. I'll be damned if I let you suffer through this alone. Hear me out, mama.

As you tried to process his words, another text came through.

Maybe: Husband🥰♥️💍: Even if you choose not to respond, I've made it my mission to get us through this day. Let's push aside the fact that you hate me. Ignore me if that's what you need, but please know I'm here. Damn, I wish I could find you. I would give anything to hold you right now. You're hurting, not just because of me, but the loss. You probably could care less, but you're not alone. I'm hurting too, mama. My mind keeps flashing back, hearing those devastating words. Images of us clinging to one another. The look on your face. That haunts me every single day. I feel like I failed you even back then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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