"Out of Control"

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You well as You 😆.

Angel Reyes as himself 😍.

Angel Reyes as himself 😍

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You sat at the kitchen table taking small sips of the cup of coffee you just poured

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You sat at the kitchen table taking small sips of the cup of coffee you just poured. Exhaling sharply you slid your phone closer to check the clock again. It had been the fourth time in the last twenty minutes. Growing irritated that it was five minutes until two in the morning, you locked the screen pushing it back out of reach.

"Two in the morning. Out of your fucking mind," she mumbled to herself.

It was as if whoever you were talking about felt their ears tingling. The lock to the front door turned and you heard it swiftly push open. Whoever it was closed the door as soft as they could. Turning to head down the hall, noticing the kitchen light confirmed that they were screwed.

"You might as well bring ya ass in this kitchen. I know you see this damn light. I know you know what time it is. Get your fast ass in here!"

You had planned to keep going but swallowed your words when you saw Angel's handsome and confused face step into the kitchen.

"Mamí, what the fuck are you talking about? You know I've been out doing club shit. I mean I know it's late, but I wasn't out being fast mi dulce," he replied, putting up air quotes around the word fast.

Sucking your teeth you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. It lasted a short moment before your face turned serious. You remembered why you were mad in the first place once you saw that it was now 2:30.

"That wasn't meant for you. I know you've been handling club business."

"Okay. I'm confused. What's going on?"

"Your little fast ass daughter missed curfew and she's still not home."

Angel's face quickly changed from confusion to anger.

"What the fuck do you mean she's not home? Anna's curfew is midnight. It's damn near three in the morning."

"No shit."

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