"I Got You"

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Note: this was written for all the plus sized Queens 👑. They need more representation/love.
The reader as "Nicole Beckham"
Odell Beckham Jr. as himself:

What is it with men and their bright ideas? Nicole's idea of the perfect Saturday night was staying in, ordering takeout, and curling up on the couch with her husband

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What is it with men and their bright ideas? Nicole's idea of the perfect Saturday night was staying in, ordering takeout, and curling up on the couch with her husband. That's not asking too much, right? That was the plan until Odell waltzed his happy ass in their bedroom and begged her to go to a freaking haunted house. "Come on baby we should go. It'll be fun. What, you scared? Now you know daddy gon' protect yo fine ass," he said as his New Orleans accent made an appearance. "No! Odell I don't like shit popping out at me. I'ma be ready to swing on everybody. Plus as soon as we're spotted it will be impossible to enjoy it. It'll be just like last weekend when we were trying to have a nice quiet dinner," she replied. Thousands of pleas later Nicole finally gave in and said yes.

As she expected, the date was cut short and the couple spent the hour drive home arguing and giving each other the silent treatment. The date had ended abruptly due to the fact that some jackass thought it would be funny to scare the hell out of them and get it on tape so he could sell the footage to the highest bidder. The guy had scared Nicole so badly that he caused her to trip and roll her ankle. To make a terrible situation even worse the man didn't even apologize or ask if she was okay. He just laughed and continued to capture the embarrassing moment. This in turn pissed Odell off. He snatched the phone away from him and handed it to the bodyguard to delete the footage while he beat the dude's ass. It took forever for their bodyguard to finally pull Odell off of the Jerk.
Instead of those running the establishment being sympathetic to the couple's situation they kicked everyone involved out. As the couple pulled into the driveway Nicole attempted to get out of the car on her own. She failed miserably and was about to ask the bodyguard to help her into the house when she was cut off by Odell. "Why don't you let your husband help you for once," he snapped. "What is your problem? How is it that you're mad at me," she asked in a smart ass tone. "Just come on," he replied while scooping her out of the car. Odell carried her inside the house and sat her down gently on the couch. He removed her shoes and propped her swollen ankle on top of some throw pillows. "I'm going to fix you some ice for your ankle. Or do you want someone else to do that as well," he griped. "Why are you so angry at me for letting the bodyguard carry me," she asked throwing her hands up in a defeated manner. "That shit was embarrassing. You got people out here thinking I can't take care of my wife," he replied.

There it was. Odell had an attitude because the damn bodyguard carried me to the car. He didn't get to be the big hero and save the day. "I asked Jay to carry me because I'm already self conscious about my weight. That's one of the main reasons I didn't want to go in the first place. I knew I'd fall or do something embarrassing. Haunted Houses are not for me. I take up more space than others," she explained with sadness in her voice. "People already have opinions about our relationship. Do you know how many people, both male and female I've overheard talking about us. They think it's a shame that you're married to a plus sized woman. Why let you carry me out of there and give them more to talk about," Nicole questioned. "Please excuse my language and with all due respect, fuck what anybody else talking about. How many times do we need to have this discussion Nicki? Babygirl, I love you just the way you are. No matter what size you are. No matter what size you'll ever be. I'ma love you regardless baby. It's not just your physical that makes me love you. It's everything about you. Been about ya, still about ya, always gonna be about ya love," he said grabbing Nicole's face and giving her a passionate kiss.

After a few moments he pulled back from the kiss. "How much pain are you in," Odell asked in a seductive tone while licking his lips. "It's pretty painful but you said all those beautiful things and kissed me like that. Now you got a bish panties wet. Fuck it, I'ma take any pain coming my way like a G. I just hope some of that pain is the good type of pain," she replied biting her lip. In a matter of moments she was picked up from the couch and gently tossed on their bed. Odell was eager to show Nicole just how much he loved every single curve she had.

He slowly undressed Nicole and laid her down. He removed his clothing and laid between her thighs. Odell kissed from her lips down to her neck and began leaving love bites all over her breast. He took one of her nipples into his mouth as he snaked his hands between her thighs and began to rub her most sensitive spot. Nicole threw her head back into the pillows and let out a slight moan. "Odell...baby," she moaned as he slipped two fingers inside her. He released her nipple when he noticed she had closed her eyes. "I want to see those pretty brown eyes. Look at me baby," he demanded. Nicole's eyes fluttered open and she bit her lip as she made eye contact with him. Odell grinned and kept his eyes trained on her as he slid down between her legs. His eyes were now burning with desire. He planted kisses all over the insides of her thighs as she grew impatient. "Baby don't play games please," she begged. He quickly went to work on her taking her ball of nerves into his mouth. He sucked and licked it as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her. "You taste so good baby. I love every part of you. These thick ass thighs drive me crazy," he said as he gave them a squeeze and sank his face deeper while locking her into place. "Shit! Odell baby," she moaned loudly. "Don't let go baby not yet," he said as he pulled his mouth away from her.

Before she could get mad he made his way back up to her and gave her another passionate kiss as he slammed into her. Nicole screamed into the kiss as he gave her a few moments to adjust to his size. She began to move her hips to signal that she was ready. Wrapping her legs firmly around his waist Odell began to pound into her. "You feel that? Huh baby? Who wouldn't love your beautiful ass," he grunted as he went deeper. "Plus size or not I'ma always be able to handle you my baby. This my shit. No one else's. Mine! Let me show just how good I can handle you baby," he moaned out as he pulled out of her and grabbed her ankles pulling her to the edge of the bed. Odell stood and draped her legs over his shoulders sliding back into her. All Nicole could manage to vocalize was a whimper. They were both close to climax as she cried out, "Shit! Baby I-I'm about to-I can't take much more!" His thrusts became more erratic and sloppy. "I know baby me too. Shit! Let it go baby," Odell replied as he reached down and rubbed her pearl to get her there faster. Moments later they both climaxed together.

Odell removed her shaking legs from his shoulders and gently slid her back up to the pillows so she could come down from her orgasm. He collapsed beside her and pulled her over to him so she could lay on his chest. He tilted her chin up and gave her a few pecks. Looking into her eyes he smiled and licked his lips. "Please don't ever doubt my love for you. Trust me when I tell you I got you. If I wanna carry ya ass all over a damn grocery store or shopping mall for no reason at all I'm going to do it. I need there to be no questions asked. Understood Mrs. Beckham," he demanded while slapping her ass. "Ouch babe! Okay, Mr. Beckham. I love you," she replied and gave him another kiss. "I love your stubborn ass too," he retorted. After a quick nap they went a few more rounds and iced her ankle again before knocking out for the night.

Hope you all enjoyed! Please give me some feedback! How are you all liking the different stories thus far? Going to try and drop part two of Disastrous Deception sometime this week. Don't forget to vote!

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