"Disastrous Deception (Part One)-Edit/Repost"

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"I was naive

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"I was naive.
Your love was like candy.
Artificially sweet.
I was deceived by the wrapping..."
-Christina Aguilera.

Filling a glass with bourbon for the third time in a little over an hour Aliyah sighed deeply. She had been sitting at her kitchen table waiting for her boyfriend to come home. It was the third time this week that he had been out late. She was tired of the secrets. Fed up with the lies.

Earlier that day her sister Maddison told her she had seen Tristan having lunch with a blonde. When she went over to say hello he acted strangely toward her. She recalled that he had seemed as if he was nervous. Maddison felt the need to let Aliyah know since she had been having doubts about her relationship lately. Now here she was drinking her emotions away and waiting to confront Tristan. Aliyah needed answers and wasn't going to bed until she got them. Two more hours had passed before she heard the front door open.

"Well look who finally decided to bring his ass home," Aliyah snapped as she stormed toward her boyfriend.

He sighed loudly, "We need to talk."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and guided her over to the couch. He just stared at her for what seemed like forever.

"Are you going to just sit there? Fucking speak," she said through gritted teeth.

He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for what he was about to tell her. All he could bring himself to say was, "I'm sorry."

He hung his head low once he saw it register in Aliyah's mind without it even being said aloud.

"You're cheating on me," her voice croaked as she fought back tears.

All he could do was nod his head. Tristan couldn't even look her in the eyes as he blurted out another shocking truth.

"When we had that heated argument last month you asked me if I stayed at Victoria's. I lied and said no. We slept together that night. We've been sleeping together since then. Three days ago she told me she was pregnant. That's why I've been coming home late and avoiding you. I couldn't face you."

Tears were streaming down her face as she chuckled cold-heartedly. Shaking her head she spoke, "So let me get this straight. Not only have you been cheating for a month, but it's with the very same bitch you swore was just a longtime friend nothing more. Since the beginning of this relationship, you stated there wasn't anything between you two. That you've never seen each other in that way."

Tristan grabbed Aliyah's hands and she quickly snatched them away.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me and try to explain this shit away as a mistake or a moment of weakness. How could it be? You've been doing this shit for a month or who knows how long really," she sobbed.

"After all I've done for you. Supported you through all your ups and downs. Stayed loyal! Ten damn toes down! I gave up everything to be with you. Including my best friend Angel. You accused us of the very thing you've been doing! The fact that he was willing to distance himself from me to see me happy. The fact that Angel understood why I needed space! And what do you do? Go and shit on our whole relationship! The fact that you did it so blatantly and with ease is such a slap in the face! Gave up my best friend of twelve years to give you peace of mind! Yet you couldn't do the same for me! Where's your fucking loyalty, Tristan? Wasted the time and effort I put into loving you! Got me out here looking stupid! Fuck you! Fuck your sorry excuses and apologies! I'm DONE, Tristan! Pack your shit! Get the fuck out," she cried as she shoved him repeatedly on the chest.

Suddenly Tristan's emotions switched from indifference to anger. He snatched her wrist and pushed her up against the wall. Wrapping his hands around her throat he gave her an evil smirk.

"Let's clarify a few things right here. Right now. Shall we. This is my fucking house! I'm not going anywhere. Most importantly, neither are you," he whispered in an evil tone.

She had never seen him act this way before. That's when she realized who and what she had been dealing with this whole time. A narcissistic gaslighting scary-ass psycho.

Tristan's grip around her neck tightened a little as he continued to talk, "I'm never letting you go my love. We are to have an understanding from here on out. You're going to continue to be the sweet little stay at home girlfriend. I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. Once the kid is born we'll take it and raise it together, baby. No need to worry about the side bitch we already have an agreement. Let's just say she can easily be bought. As far as your little best friend Angel goes. I don't give a damn about what he, or you gave up for that matter. You belong with me and it's going to stay that way, okay my love," he questioned forcing a kiss to her lips.

"Now stop all that crybaby shit and go clean yourself up. This is your first and final warning. Don't try to leave me. Keep in mind that I know where all your friends and family live. Face it sweetheart you're stuck with me! Without you even noticing, I've pretty much separated you from everyone. Your little boy toy biker isn't coming to save you. The idiot is so clearly wrapped around your finger that he was dumb enough to allow you some space. Let's be honest, he probably only stuck around as long as he did because he thought he was going to get to fuck you."

"You're so damn evil! Don't talk about Angel that way! Why would you disrespect my best friend like that? You don't even know him to speak on him like that."

Once again Tristan snapped and wrapped his hands around her throat.

"I don't give two fucks about your opinion on how I feel about that thug! I will say whatever I want about him! Do you understand me?"

Squeezing tighter, Aliyah gasped for air and nodded her head yes as she cried silently.

"Good! Now go wash all that tear-stained makeup off and come to bed I'm tired," he demanded as he led Aliyah upstairs.

Tristan had done so well keeping this crazy side of him hidden. Aliyah had no choice but to do what was asked of her. She was terrified of what else he could be capable of. For everyone's safety, she needed to follow his command. Hopefully, that would buy some time to figure out how to get away from him for good.

-Hope you enjoyed part one of this story. If you guys loved it feel free to comment and vote.

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