"Gang Friend and a Gentleman"

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Reader as Y/N
Rio as Himself

Reader as Y/NRio as Himself

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Nights like this sometimes made Rio wish he worked a regular 9 to 5

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Nights like this sometimes made Rio wish he worked a regular 9 to 5. Some stuff went down at the start of his day, which slowed things down with production. It didn't help that Beth and her ditzy crew were ducking and dodging him. After all this time you would think they'd know to never play with his money. To say Rio was on edge was an understatement.

Now, here he was in the wee hours of the morning sluggishly sifting through the snack aisle of the grocery store. He was exhausted and in a terrible mood given that everyone had been messing things up all day. It also didn't help that working late put him in the dog house with you. For the fourth night in a row, the left side of the bed was cold as you drifted off to sleep alone.

As if he wasn't already irritated enough, Rio noticed a group of soccer moms gawking at him. It also didn't help that he overheard them gossiping about all his tattoos and how he was probably some gang member. They continued to whisper about how it was annoying that he was so attractive. That all his good looks were going to waste.

He contemplated on whether he should mess with them by making them nervous, but before he could decide an older woman of color stepped in, "excuse me Karen one, two, and three! Would you mind getting your items and moving along? This young man would like to shop in peace. I swear, nobody's ever checking for you pesky women. Yet you're always up in somebody's face minding everybody's business but your own. Get your groceries and stop harassing him, please."

Huffing and puffing the women grabbed a few things, tossed them into their cart, and moved on. The whole scene that just took place warmed Rio's heart. Growing up, he had always wanted someone to nurture and look out for him just as this nice lady did.

"Thank you, ma'am. You didn't have to do that. I'm used to it, so it doesn't bother me. People gon' talk regardless. I do appreciate that though. Please, let me pay for your groceries," he offered as she gave him a warm smile while waving him off.

"Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to do that. It was a pleasure giving those judgemental women a piece of my mind. We can never just be can we, honey? Do our best to stay to ourselves and that still isn't enough," she responded as she struggled to get something off a shelf.

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