Note: Dear Readers

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As some may have noticed, I run a Tumblr blog: @berberriescorner. My Tumblr page is where my stories are posted first (not to worry, I slide over here and drop them right after). Just a heads up, I also use this page to post and reblog other content I love (for those who have never visited my Tumblr page and are now considering it. I would also like to note that I reblog stories from other talented writers (please check them out and show some love💕). 

Rambling complete, let's get down to the purpose of this note. Like on Wattpad, I don't take requests on my Tumblr page. Sometimes, my sweet lovelies/mutuals slide into my ask box and drop quick little headcanon topics. Some are just a little too good to pass up. With that said, from time to time, I oblige. In doing so, I've created a cute little headcanon family for Rio. I'm telling you all this because I've decided that this content is pretty cute (spicy and hilarious), and they seem to love it on Tumblr. I don't want you all to miss out on it.

That being said, the next couple of parts posted will be a series of headcanons (they'll be in order) I've written for "Rio, reader, and children." So that you won't be confused, I'll place the headcanon topic/ask above the response. This way, you all won't be lost and have a sense of where the story is, both coming from and going. I hope that made sense😂.

Unfortunately, I still will not be taking requests. I have so many different things I'm working on,  and I honestly don't have the time to add more. Sorry, my loves. I have four series and an endless amount of one-shots in progress. Not to mention dealing with an autoimmune disorder and tons of doctors appointment. It would be too stressful to take requests. I also like posting on my own time and not being made to feel rushed.

Okay, enough blabbering. I hope your week is off to a good start, and if not, I pray it gets better for you, my lovelies🥰. I look forward to reading your feedback on the new content! Please, don't be shy. I would love to read some of you guys' thoughts♥️. 

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