"Echoes of Redemption"

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Jay Halstead x Black!Reader

Inspired By💙: I've Got Nothing - PLAZA

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Inspired By💙: I've Got Nothing - PLAZA.

Adam cradled your work bag and purse in one hand, his broad shoulders carrying the weight of your exhaustion

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Adam cradled your work bag and purse in one hand, his broad shoulders carrying the weight of your exhaustion. His free hand pressed the down button for the elevator, the soft ping of the mechanism cutting through the silence. You sighed deeply, closing your eyes for a brief moment, letting the weariness wash over you.

"Tired?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Exhausted. I could sleep for days," you responded, the fatigue squinting your eyes. A massive yawn escaped your lips as the elevator doors slid open. You leaned against the wall for support, stifling another yawn. "Sorry," you murmured.

"It's all good. I hope you can get some rest once you're home," he said, as his voice comforted your frazzled nerves.

"Thanks, Adam. For everything. You've all been so supportive. Even if it's a bit awkward."

The elevator dinged, and Adam gestured for you to step out first. He spotted a nearby vending machine and asked, "Did you eat today?"

Not waiting for your answer, he walked over to the whirring machine and purchased a bottle of water and a bag of smart popcorn. You sank onto a bench, grateful for the brief respite. Adam returned, popping open the snack and handing you the bag and the beverage. The two of you continued on your journey to the parking lot.

"Maybe this can give you a bit of energy."

"Adam, you don't have to make such a fuss. You, Kim, Kevin, and Voight have already done enough. I can't believe she made a time chart so everyone can take turns escorting me to these appointments. She even has poor Dante in on it. That baby has his hands full taking care of himself. Bless his heart."

"Are you kidding me? You're family. That's what you do for loved ones," he assured you, his eyes steady and sincere.

"Is this not awkward for you guys? Hailey's your friend too," you grudgingly admitted.

"Yes, but we knew you first. We're not going to abandon years of friendship over drama. We support her just as we do you. J—"

"Adam, please don't. The thought of him is even more stressful. Thanks for the snack. I can finish this in the car. I'm ready to get home to my comfy bed. It's been a long day."

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