Chapter 1: Our Shop

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Paperwork. So god damned much paperwork. No one ever told Rae how much paperwork would come with owning a shop, it was never really her choice though. Her mom had built it up from the ground and she worked her summers here. 

Then after school, she tried telling herself it was only temporary, until she found her spark, the thing she really wanted to do in life. The only issue was that this thing never really came. Carrie already knew what she wanted to do after school, although much to Rae's luck she wanted a sabbatical year in the shop. 

For Rae it was her own dead-end job, well, it paid the bills nicely so completely dead-end wasn't the right word. She wished it was honestly, then at least she would have been able to hate her mom's pride and joy. 

A wonderful little 'loveshop'. Christ, it was a glorified porn shop. There were just fewer dildos and more flowers, crystals and stones that would supposedly help you get 'the one you adore'. Utter bullshit.

Her mom was a glorified witch hippie, changed her own name to 'Sunshine Meadow' because that was who she felt like. Sure go be who you want to but she had named her daughter something just as bad. 

Raindance Meadow, Rae wanted to puke just thinking about it. Rae Bailey sounded much better and the whisky wasn't too bad either, it was her father's name though. It was the only thing her mom had told her about him and she had thrown a right fit when Rae changed her name. 

Sunshine wasn't able to be angry for long though as the war broke out. Nonetheless, it had always been a very strained relationship between the two. Although they were two sides to the same coin, one side was fire and the other was water. 

Her mom had a gentle nature, bubbly personality, soft-spoken, the most open-minded person in existence, kind and Rae, well Rae had rebelled quite harshly, except the rebellious phase had never really ended, not even after Sunshine's death. 

The door to her office suddenly flung open, Carrie was standing with a terrifyingly pale face. 

"What's wrong?" Rae asked instantly, getting up from her chair and leading the younger girl over to the sofa. Carrie's breath was rapid, movement shaky. 

"This man-" She croaked out and Rae understood instantly, it happened quite frequently to herself.

"I'll take care of it," Rae was already halfway out the door, making her way back into the shop itself. 

A man was standing in the corner looking at the vibrators that were supposedly infused with love. A couple were looking at different ropes and handcuffs in another section so hopefully, Rae could deal with this quietly. 

"Excuse me, sir?" Rae walked up to the man, making sure to stand out of his reach. 

"Yes, ma'am?" He looked at her with a toothy smirk, showing off his white teeth. 

"I'll have to ask you to leave. You've shown behaviour here towards an employee that's not tolerated here," Rae said in her most polite voice, hopefully, the couple would stay and she'd get a nice buy out of them. 

"What? I was just complimenting her!" He said, already flailing wildly with his arms. The couple turned to look sceptically at them, great. 

"Yeah, we don't tolerate advances onto our employee's and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a warranted compli-" 

"She should be happy anyone would even give that bitch a compliment!" He shouted and Rae had heard more than enough. Carrie might also be able to hear them from where they were standing and she did not want to make her any more anxious. 

"All right, you need to leave!" Rae raised her voice, looking with a deep sigh to the couple who were now looking slightly scared. 

"Fuck no! I'm not leaving!" Christ, why did he have to be so difficult? Luckily he was not that much larger than Rae so in a swift movement she pinned his arm behind his back and began pushing him outside. 

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