Chapter 22: A Relaxing Day

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Rae was... scared, to say the least, by the prospect of meeting her dad again, by now it was almost 20 years without him in her life. How would he react to seeing her again? Would he be happy? or upset?

She was nervously picking at the skin around her nails, waiting for Min to come by. He said that he might have some muggle pictures from the trip, and maybe, just maybe in one of the photos her dad would be around... or who he thought to be her dad.

Fred had been right, it was awfully convenient, and deep down she was probably being very naive about all of it. Even if the man Min had met was her dad, what was the chance that he was still in the same place after such a long time?

Was she really going to travel that far for nothing but a maybe?

The knock on the door suddenly brought her out of her thoughts, and she slowly rose from the kitchen, with slow movements opening the door to look up at the curly-haired man.

"Hello, Rae, looking ravishing as ever," Min smiled cheerfully, but she was feeling quite down herself. The night before had quite fun, everyone had gotten together again at the pub, and of course, they ended up hitting the clubs again as well. All of it resulted in her having a great headache this morning.

"Did you find any photos?" She asked, fiddling with the rook piece she had picked up.

"I brought the whole stack, thought we could go through them together," he said as he wandered towards the windowsill and gently moved her chessboard to the side before sitting down.

"Sure, Cassius and Draco promised to stop by in a few," she muttered, groggily scratching the back of her head as she walked towards the windowsill.

"Sounds like a party, better get a drink," he said as he dug into his bag and drew out four different stacks of photos.

"Please don't ever mention alcohol, I didn't have any more hangover potion, and I think throughout the years I haven't felt it, it's been amplified," Rae groaned as she slouched down against the window next to Min.

"Out with the big crowd?" He chuckled as he instead raised himself to grab a glass of water for her.

"Yup, everyone showed up, and it adds up with every single person that comes along," Rae sighed while picking up one of the stacks and pulling off the rubber band that was wrapped around it. 

"Sounds like a fun night for you... anywho his hair should be the same colour as yours, and he's got the same eyes as you too," Min said as he reached the glass of water towards her, and with a thankful look in her eyes, she took it. He sat down next to her and picked up his own large stack of photos that he began searching through immediately. 

It didn't take long for Cass and Draco to arrive, the two men burst into the apartment. After a short greeting, they too grabbed a stack and began searching for a man who was supposed to be the spitting image of their friend. 

"You know, Rae, this would be a lot easier if you didn't look so god damn basic," Cassius grinned when he was halfway through his pile, and she promptly threw one of her chess pieces at his head. 

"Sod off, I don't look basic. If anything it's Min's fault for taking a photo every time he took a step," Rae laughed. 

"Is that your way of saying thank you?" He nudged her shoulder a little, sending a dashing grin her way. 

"If that's how you want to see it," she smiled as she continued flicking through the photos, briefly looking at every person's face. A picture caught her eye. It was of a small bar with bright bright yellow walls and full of light. 

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