Chapter 8: Gnomes and Chickens

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"Hey, Bailey... time to wake up. Mum said dinner isn't far off," Fred's voice was close to her ear; calm, kind, soothing and relaxing all at once. 

Rae could feel his arm draped around her and fingers gently caressing her arm, it felt really nice. She didn't want to get up, staying like this forever didn't sound too bad. 

"I'm not hungry," Rae muttered as she tiredly tried hiding her face in the mattress, maybe then they could stay like this forever. 

"Well, I doubt you want George or Charlie to know what we did, so you have to put some clothes on at least. I told them we were talking and you fell asleep," Fred said, getting out of the bed himself. 

Rae, with an annoyed groan, turned around and opened her eyes, watching as Fred moved around the room and gathered both of their clothes. 

She tried sitting up in the bed and instantly felt a throbbing pain in her core, a burning one from her scalp and the bruises stung on her hips. 

"Fuckin' hell." Her legs felt strange as well, apparently, the nap hadn't helped at all, but she couldn't even remember falling asleep. 

"You feeling alright?" He asked while putting her clothes in a pile beside her. 

"Is that concern for me?" Rae hoarsely chuckled, massaging her thighs a bit to get her legs working again. 

"No, just don't want my cock to kill someone," He smirked, starting to put his own clothes back on. 

"That thing couldn't hurt even the smallest of mice."

"Then stand up, show me," He grinned down at her while Rae put her feet on the floor. It was a dumb idea, yeah, she knew that much, but how bad could it really be?

She pushed off from the bed, letting all of her weight on her feet, and instantly her knees buckled underneath her. Fred was luckily there to catch her, and as he held her up, her legs were still shaking underneath her. 

"I was just in a weird position for too long, nothing to do with you," She defiantly spoke. 

"I can let go aaany second." 

"Yeah, but you're too nice for that," She challenged him again, and Fred cocked his eyebrow in surprise. 

A mischievous grin flew over his features, and for a split of a second, he let go, letting her stumble before gripping her waist and arm again. 

"I was just so hot and bothered after spending all day with Charlie," Rae grinned and Fred instantly tensed his jaw, eyebrows furrowing. 

"Always a bitch," He muttered, pushing her away from him and back down onto the bed, causing her to let out a huff. 

"Don't throw stones when you live in a glasshouse, Fred," Rae sneered while with strained movements pulling on her clothes. 

He was always getting on her nerves, but whenever she did the same, he couldn't take any of it, he was a bloody hypocrite. 

"Whatever," Fred sighed, throwing his wand next to her on the bed so that she could heal herself if she pleased. 

"You know Kaida and Ehecatl both miss you... if you wanted to, we could set up a quick portkey so you could come visit," Charlie spoke from behind her as Rae was examining the plants in Mrs Weasley's garden. 

Charlie was in the middle of drawing the garden gnomes which were also trying to bite at Rae's ankles and fingers whenever they could. 

"I probably won't be able to before next summer but - OW! Save me Salazar I'm going to crush you!" Rae shouted while now trying to stomp on one of the gnomes that had bitten her. It was quite hard since she was also trying to avoid stepping on the plants. 

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