Chapter 2: Dinner

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Diagon Alley had started switching to its evening look, pubs had begun opening and the people walking around were either going out to dinner or to drink. Rae trotted through the cobbled street while wondering how the layout of the shop and the twins flat actually was. 

After her shower, she had not really cared about her attire since she would switch it out for a dress within a few hours anyway. The dress was folded neatly into a bag between two books to try and keep the fabric from wrinkling. 

Rae was wondering who 'the others' were since Fred and only mentioned Ginny by name. Ginny was still with Harry so he was probably one of them, maybe Ron would be there, he usually hung around Harry back in the day. 

She was sure Ron had a thing with Lavender Brown so she might come too, hopefully, other people would be there too. It would kind of suck being the only non-Gryffindor there. 

The street was beginning to thin of pubs and forming into restaurants instead as she came closer to Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes. 

The twins' shop was alright, lots of springy colours and things but it wasn't really Rae's cup of tea. Her own was better, smaller and homely, it had to be for her line of products of course. 

She knocked on the door to the closed shop like George had asked her to, it was already 7 so she was a bit late. Through the small windows in the door, the redhead could be seen springing towards her with a wide smile. 

"Hello again," He smiled while presenting his arm just like he would back at Hogwarts and Rae took it with a grin. 

George led her towards the back but instead of going fully into it the backrooms he walked her up the staircase and opened the door for her. They were immediately met with laughter and noise, it, unfortunately, looked to only be Gryffindors. 

Lee Jordan, Ginny, Ron, Hermione Granger, Harry and Fred of course. 

"Try to be nice, Rae," George said while taking her bag and flannel. She had stepped into a large room that consisted of a living room, dining room and a kitchen. 

A hallway to her right led down to what was probably bedrooms and a bathroom was on her left. 

"Right," She breathed, getting in a deal with George would be really nice, she could use the extra money. Rae could play nice for a few hours. 

"Meadow? Raindance Meadow?" Ginny asked somewhat disbelievingly as she eyed the older girl. 

"In the flesh, although I changed my name, just Rae Bailey now," Rae said as she stepped forward, all eyes now on her and she didn't hate it. 

"Why'd you change your na-" Ron spoke but received an elbow in his side from Hermione that made him stop. Harry stood up from Ginny's side and walked towards her, his hand outstretched. 

"Well it's good to see you again, Rae, I'm sorry about-"

"Don't, she's dead so let's keep it at that," Rae smiled as she grabbed onto the younger man's hand and firmly shook it. The air in the room tensed greatly, quite uncomfortable really. 

"So, what're we eating?" She walked towards the kitchen, it was clean but no ingredients were on the table. 

"I'm making lobster and a salad with asparagus," Fred carelessly while throwing his head over the backrest of the sofa to look at her. Rae paused slightly, glancing over her shoulder to see if his exterior matched his voice. 

It seemed he was pretty careless but that was also one of her favourite dishes and he was one of the only people that knew that. 

"Let's get cooking then," Rae spoke in a quiet voice, getting the things out of the refrigerator as Fred with a sigh walked over to her. 

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