Chapter 11: Parents

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Rae sat in her mom's old room for a while, even after she had heard the front door close. She didn't want to leave, ever really. 

Maybe she was too old for feeling like this, she had told herself that a lot in recent years and yet the feeling stayed. 

Rae was scared, she was terrified as her hand traced the bookshelf of her mom's notes on different flowers. There wasn't a reason to be scared, that was pretty evident, but that didn't cause the feeling to go away. 

Instead of thinking more about it and trying to process it, Rae went back into the quiet living room, put on one of her dad's old records and picked up the book she had been reading throughout her time at The Burrow. 

The time spent at The Burrow had been time well spent and a great way to get away from her everyday life. It was only now, having experienced something else again that Rae realised how busy she actually was.

Perhaps it was because most of it never really felt like work to her, how could it? She was either taking care of plants which she loved, or trying out sex toys which she absolutely adored.

Having so much extra time for playing chess games was great though, and Rae couldn't wait until the next time she could play against Draco and once again beat his ass.

Draco didn't come by for the next couple of days, not that Rae hadn't sent him invitations along with her other friends. Verity and Blaise told her that he needed some time to think which only made her feel worse. 

She didn't realise how bad her words could've hurt him before now. George came by more often, even if it was only for a cup of tea, it was nice. 

"You know he wants to come by right?" George asked before finishing his cup. They had just moved away from the business talk and over to the more casual kind. 

"He's been so on edge lately, can see his mind twisting and turning with thoughts," George grinned, but he was watching her reacting very closely. 

Rae tensed up in the armchair that she had decided to sit cross-legged in. A deep sigh left her before she slouched down further in the chair. 

She glared out of the window, hoping that the heavy rain would break the window and come in to simply wash her away to nothing. That would make everything so much easier. 

"I know... I want to talk to him too," Rae, at last, decided to answer, it only made her all the more worried that she was actually missing Fred, and it wasn't just the sex. 

"What's stopping you?" 

"Fear, it's dumb anyway," She sighed, their little water fight had been so much fun. 

Rae worried that he would want her to talk about what happened in her mom's room, she had completely snapped at him after all. The room hadn't seen a human in months, and she wanted to keep it that way. 

"Do you want my advice?" George smiled comfortingly to her. 

"Well, you always were the smarter twin." Fred had always wanted Rae to walk about it; 'you need to get it off your chest, let it out' hell no. She would keep it inside for the rest of time as if her life depended on it. 

It would be a proper shitshow if she let all of that out, and it wasn't like it bothered her. Well, maybe once a month, or a few more, but she was fine. Maybe fine wasn't the right word, she was okay. 

"Come with me back in an hour or so. Time for the monthly dinner anyway, and you're always welcome," George grinned while Rae only felt all the more defeated, and as a response let out a whine of discomfort. 

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