Chapter 26: First Night

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TW: slapping

Rae quickly made her way up the stairs, skipping her way through the snaking corridors until she made it to her and Fred's room. While slightly out of breath and trying to calm herself, she knocked on the door and movement could be heard behind it. Seconds later, Fred opened the door with a wide smirk on his face.

"Ah, Miss Bailey, I must say what a pleasure it is to have you here," he grinned, opening the door fully and allowing her to spring inside.

"It is strange how we always run into each other like this Mr Weasley. Quite peculiar," Rae smiled as she took off the thin shirt she had put on earlier to shield herself from the colder breeze and whatever bugs might still be around.

"Call me that again and you won't be able to walk tomorrow," he playfully growled, closing the door and rushing towards her. Fred's hands immediately took a hold of her waist, firmly caressing as he leaned down and crashed their lips together in a passionate and hungry kiss.

"Is that so Mr Weasley?" She giggled as her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer by them as she felt his hands crawl lower, beginning to gather the skirt of her dress at the top of her thighs. He wanted so desperately to see her without it, he needed to.

"You're in for it now," he grunted, only briefly taking his lips off of her to pull her light summer dress over her head, and his hands immediately found their way back to her body, roughly massaging her exposed breast, taking her nipple in between his fingers and squeezing at the same time.

She gasped lightly as his lips trailed to the corner of her mouth, kissing down her jawline and making his way down to her neck. Her hands were furiously fiddling with the belt buckle on his trousers. Sparks flew through her body when he picked her up, hands strongly gripping her thighs and he with ease carried her to the bed.

Fred crawled onto the bed with her still latched onto him. The smooth fabric of his shirt and the rough one of his trousers rubbing against her soft exposed skin. He continued kissing down her neck, reaching her collarbones and continuing down while her hands found their way to his hair. She softly ran her fingers through it, sighing as she watched him with closed eyes cherishing her skin with his lips, his soft eyelashes tickling her at the same time.

"Merlin..." Rae heavily sighed while enjoying the sparks he made rush through her body. It seemed impossible how much she loved him, at times it was unbearable. Fred wrapped his lips around her nipple, circling his tongue around it while he massaged the other, lighting a fire in her as he looked up at her, and her lips parted in a sinful moan.

"You're so absolutely stunning," Fred sharply inhaled, kissing his way back up her body before connecting their lips again, hungrily moving with each other, hot and breathy, wanting her even closer.

"I'm just trying my best to compare with you," she sighed while kissing his jaw, pulling his shirt up his body while he continued roughly squeezing and rubbing her breasts. She moved to Fred's neck, nibbling her way downwards before licking her way up, taking his freckled skin in between her teeth and biting down, sucking on it to hear the louder groans that immediately left him and beside her she could feel him tightly fist the sheets.

"I can't be rough with you when you're being so lovely," he chuckled, pulling away from her and going onto his knees to rid himself of the shirt. Rae swept her tongue across her lips, raising herself onto her elbows and then slowly onto her knees but her legs were bent so that he still towered over her.

"Is that so?" She ran her hands over his muscular pecs while his breath was still heavily rising and falling underneath her hands. Slowly, her fingers trailed lower, running her nails down his skin, but her other hand fell to her side. Fred watched her for a bit, entranced completely by her hands, so much so that he never noticed when she raised the other and slapped him across the face, flinging his head to the side.

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