Chapter 9: Sometimes Women Do It Better

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Heartbreak isn't a fun thing. Of course, most people would be able to tell you that, it's widely known after all. And yet, it seems to be one of the most romanticised things, but it isn't poetry, far from it. 

It isn't always staying up till 4 am and listening to sad songs, it's breaking down in the hallway while everyone is around, but you caught a whiff of their usual perfume, the one only they wore and then what else are you supposed to do? 

You move on, feel okay for weeks at a time, and suddenly you feel the ghost of their lips on your skin, and then you're choking on memories you had with them. 

Heartbreak isn't a fun thing, and it wasn't for Rae. In the middle of Voldemorts uprising, a torturous teacher and her mom disappearing like dust in the wind, that was when Rae first experienced real heartbreak. 

It was so sudden, that was probably the worst part. There wasn't any time for them to drift apart. She had been skipping along in a flowery meadow, and within the blink of an eye, she was falling down a bottomless pit. 

A heart isn't a cigarette that you can light up just to stomp out when you feel like you're done with it. Heartbreak isn't fun or beautiful, and it for sure isn't poetic. 

However, what heartbreak is, is something you can grow from if you're able to move through it, and you'll be much stronger because of it. 

"Rae, it's your turn to move." Charlie was waving his hand in front of her face, her eyes had been locked to Fred behind him. 

"Sorry, Knight to D4... Hey, umm do you believe in soulmates?" Rae asked, eyebrows furrowed and gaze locked to the chessboard instead. 

"I don't know. It's a nice thought, isn't it? But you know I don't really think about that stuff," Charlie chuckled, watching to see what had caused her to ask a question like that. 

"Yes, it's a nice thought." A slight smile found it's way to Rae's face and her eyes slowly found their way to Fred. 

"I think soulmates are real, but that doesn't make it any easier," Bill smiled from the bench behind them, making sure to keep Victoire in the shadow of the roof. 

"It's still a fight... every day," He glanced towards the vegetables where Fleur was pretending to be interested in whatever Mrs Weasley was saying. 

"Bet it's a struggle with someone as stubborn as her," Rae grinned, and Charlie once again slapped the back of her head. 

"Bad, Rae!" He laughed along with Bill. 

"I haven't spent that much time with you, Rae, but I'm pretty sure you're even worse," Bill said while angling the bottle a little for the baby. 

"Am not!" She instantly huffed, only proving their previous point. 

"You should just go talk to him," Charlie shook his head while also glancing towards the twins. 

"You're constantly eyeing each other, looking like 15-year-olds. It's sickening seeing him like that honestly," Bill leaned down to say in a whisper. 

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Rae nervously said while springing back up on her feet. The two eldest Weasleys children burst of laughter while she hastily made her way back inside, hopefully, before any of them could see her annoyingly blushing face. 

It was a stupid thought anyway, Fred wasn't her soulmate for Merlin's sake. 

Eddie, Draco or Cassius were more likely to be her soulmate; he had never hurt her like Fred, barely ever made her angry, made her laugh and she actually liked him. It was only sex with Fred, nothing else, and it had to stay that way. 

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