Chapter 5: Housewarming

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For most of the shops in Diagon Alley, the start of July meant more customers, more money and generally more work. Rae's shop was different of course, she sold a few flowers, some crystals that increased your willingness for love and some necklaces here and there, but that was about it. 

The parents that usually came into her shop were now gone, they couldn't exactly drag their kids in here. 

The shops busiest hours switched to much later in the evening, and in turn, Rae was able to focus more on new products while Carrie took care of the shop alone.

Rae would then join in later in the evening, so she was also close by if any creeps decided to wander into the shop. 

There was one particular thing that Rae absolutely adored about her shop; testing out her products. The euphoria induced products were, working, to say the least, and she had way too much time in the mornings to try them out. 

It gave her a lot of new ideas for products though, and Rae already knew they would sell excellently, if she could just get the word out. 

Unfortunately, she didn't have a lot of time to work on that as Draco was becoming a big boy and had finally decided to move out of his parents' house. 

In all fairness, he had wanted to wait, so he could buy something for himself, but his dad's repetition was beginning to repeatedly get on his nerves, and Draco thought that moving out would help him escape that. 

It meant all of the old crowd had gotten together, and Rae had been able to catch up with the people she rarely spoke with; Daphne, Flint, Montague, Parkinson. All of them had changed after the war, so it wasn't too bad seeing them again. 

They had all helped him go through all of his things from The Manor, which was quite a lot, to say the least, and now, Draco was ready for a proper housewarming party. 

Rae, therefore, needed to get a new batch of candy ready for the party, this time without charge as a small gift. She just had to figure out how to properly infuse it with Sneezewort without getting the befuddlement thing into it. 

Cassius was luckily able to help her since he had been much better at potions than her. So that was where the two of them were headed now, along with Fred and George who Draco had insisted Rae invite. 

"Tell me again why Malfoy wanted us here," George said while Cassius pushed open the small garden gate. 

"He wants to smooth things over with everyone, apologise, make it less awkward... he's trying," Rae chuckled. Draco had still been too much of a wimp to go and ask them himself, but well, after their more than cold behaviour towards him two weeks ago, who could blame him?

"Why didn't he ask us himself?" Fred asked while tilting his head slightly upwards, exposing his neck, Rae's eyes automatically landing on it. 

"He, ugh, he's too much of a wimp," Rae cleared her throat, following Cassius through the small front yard and opening the door for everyone to enter. 

The loud music met them instantly, Draco had apparently silenced the house. It was probably a good idea, don't want to make a bad impression on the neighbours. 

"Oh, Rae!" Draco smiled, he had been leaving the kitchen with a new drink, it seemed. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, already tipsy apparently. 

"So glad all of you could make it!" He said while mostly looking between Fred and George. 

"Yeah, thanks for the invite, mate," George spoke while Fred was still watching them suspiciously, and Draco then decided to give them a proper handshake, George hesitated a little before grabbing ahold of his hand. 

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