Chapter 13: Awakening

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Rae often dreamt of those days, you might ask which, but the truth was all of them. She would never admit it, of course. As soon as she woke up, she denied even thinking about it. It was the same thing over and over again anyway. 

Mom not showing up at graduation, Cassius leaving his own party to go home with her where they found the empty apartment. Maybe it would've been better if it looked trashed as if something had happened, but instead, it was just quiet. 

Not a layer of dust was on any of the surfaces, books neatly placed on shelves, simply gone in the wind. Rae had no way of understanding what had happened, her mom was missing for almost two years before she was found dead at the battle of Hogwarts. 

Yeah, Rae tried to never think about any of it, all it did was give her nightmarish questions. She didn't want to know and tried desperately to keep it at that. 

It was impossible to say whether her dad's or moms disappearance had been the worst. Her dad didn't truly disappear, her mom simply never told her what happened, and while clutching the secret in her hand, she jumped with it into the grave. 

Rae missed her dad, but she didn't even know what she was missing. Had she even been able to properly say his name before he left? Probably not. The worst part was what it did to her mom; distant, cold when Rae brought it up but otherwise the bubbliest woman alive. 

In her dreams, all of it was there, but that didn't make her anymore keen on trying to think about it whenever she was awake, it was quite the opposite. She would never get answers to her questions, so why even give herself the liberty of asking them? 

"Raeeee," Fred's soft voice sounded close to her ear, sending goosebumps all over her skin. 

"Hmm?" She hummed as a response, not wanting to wake up properly. The bed felt so warm and cosy, not in that sweaty summer way but in a calm relaxing way, begging her to never leave it.

"D'you want some breakfast?" Fred buried his face in the back of her head, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. 

"Not if it means getting up," She smiled, cuddling even closer to him. 

"But I'm getting hungry," Fred complained as he began rubbing his hand right below her boobs, causing her to chuckle. 

"Oh really?" He started kissing the back of her head, brushing her hair out of the way to kiss her neck and only humming as a response to her question. 

"Mmmh, Freddie, it's too early," She grinned, turning around to look at him.  A smirk was plastered on his face, hair more ruffled than ever, the sun cascading into the room casting a golden glow over his features. 

"Save me Salazar," Rae muttered before raising herself to kiss him, pushing him back down into the pillows from the force of it. A slight pain erupting from her lower abdomen, but she tried pushing it away. 

She placed her hands on either side of him while he cupped her face, lips softly moving against each other, sparks erupting from his lips and travelling through her body. 

"You're beautiful," She mumbled against his lips, his smirk only widening. 

"I know," Fred chuckled while she sat back up in the bed, sheets falling around her lower body as she clutched her lower stomach. 

"You alright?" His eyebrows were furrowed as he propped himself up on his elbows. 

"Do you have any more of that potion?" She asked, and Fred's grin widened. 

"Awww, did I fuck you too hard?" He grinned, hopping out of the bed before she was able to slap his shoulder.

"I'll go check for you," He said, searching through his closet for a pair of sweatpants and pulling them on while leaving the room. 

✔𝚨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ➳ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now