Chapter 16: A New Friend

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Rae couldn't have had a more boring morning. Carrie wasn't in until 2 pm which meant she was alone until then, and only a few people were in the store. She had just helped a couple with a few things; dildo, cockring and some of the ropes she had tested not too long ago.

It was dull, to say the least, and the only thing she could think about was whether the potion she had given Fred that very same morning had actually worked. She hoped so, it would make her lunch break much more fun.

The only person in the store at the moment was some guy who was keeping to the crystals and had now taken one of the magazines about astrology, zodiac signs and all that stuff. He did look like someone who needed help though, so she slowly wandered over to him.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?" Rae smiled up at the curly-haired man, he couldn't be much older than herself but he watched her a little before responding. 

"Sure... you're a Scorpio, right?" He grinned down at her, watching her quite intensely.

"Yes, I am. What are you looking for?" Rae tried to politely smile, it was clear from the man's whole demeanour that he was either flirting with her or had an extremely flirtatious nature.

"Right now I'm looking for your horoscope," He mumbled while flipping the pages, sending her a soft glance.

"Ah, here it is let's see... You're not comfortable stepping out into the limelight, how interesting... But the life-giving sun emerges with dream-maker Neptune- oh, this is really interesting- delivering fantastical thinking about your romantic life. It's an ideal day to drift and dream." The man read out loud, grinning at her ever so often.

"So, do you own this shop?" He asked, closing the magazine and looking directly at her.

"I do, do you want to buy something or just read me my daily horoscope?" Rae grinned back up at him while wandering back behind the cash register, and he followed her, leaning over it towards her from the other side.

"Well, it is an ideal day to drift and dream isn't it?" A flirtatious smile and gleam etched in all of his features, and Rae stood with her palm on the desk, leaning slightly forward, pushing her arms a little together.

"Is that so?... you here for the other stuff? From Ver or Blaise?" She asked, still watching the man somewhat suspiciously.

"Can't say that I am... I was simply wondering what kind of person I'd find in here as I passed by... And I must say, it's a gorgeous one," He said before biting his lower lip but still intensely gazing into her eyes.

Rae couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile, he was pretty good-looking after all. Fred sprang forward in her head, but it wasn't like she was doing anything wrong. If she turned up her charm he might actually buy something.

"Thank you, but I'm working at the moment aaaand as the sign states-" Rae said, leaning closer to him but playing it off as reaching for the sign. He definitely noticed it though, cocking an eyebrow at her, and now she was the one to smile flirtatiously.

"- I sadly don't tolerate advances onto my employees," She pouted before cracking a grin. It was a slow day anyway, so she might as well have a bit of fun.

"Do you consider yourself an employee?"

"Well, legally, I have to," Rae said while standing up a bit straighter, taking one of her necklaces out and starting to play with the dagger-charm of it.

"That's too bad... the booklet said Scorpio and Libra make a mutually satisfying union, their words by the way," He chuckled, sweeping his tongue across his lips.

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