Chapter 6: The Burrow

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Draco's housewarming party had been a great opportunity for Rae to ask around and see if anyone could help her out on the days she was gone for The Burrow. Carrie was up for it, of course, but she wasn't going to let a 17-year-old run the shop by herself. 

It wasn't that Rae didn't trust Carrie, well that was part of it, but more so if some creep was coming in, she wanted someone else to be there. Cassius and Blaise had luckily agreed to help her out, Mason had offered himself too, but only for compensation in drugs. 

Draco had agreed to take care of her plants, although he didn't really like doing that stuff, he was her friend with the most knowledge on it. Rae had been the one to teach him after all. 

First, however, what she needed to do was wake up after her rather long night out. The rain made quick work of that though, hammering against the window to the side of her bed. 

Rae's eyes slowly opened, more than simply annoyed by the horrible summer weather. With eyes still somewhat closed, she tried reaching for her watch, but it was too far, so with a loud groan she rolled closer. 

1 pm, great, half the day already gone. It didn't matter too much though, Rae always went out on Fridays, so the shop was closed on Saturdays. 

Verity was coming over for their usual catching up, so she had to get out of bed at some point, staying in it forever just seemed much more fun.

As Rae was trying to decide whether she should get up or not, everything about last night came back to her. She shot up in the bed, looking around her room, nothing was out of place, and she was alone. 

She could've sworn that Fred had slept here after they... shit. Right, she definitely needed to get out of bed. 

Rae stumbled slightly as she walked into the living room while simultaneously trying to put on her pants. No one else was here either, and the door to the bathroom was open. Had he really just left? 

Well, if he had been up earlier, he probably didn't want to hang around her apartment for hours while she slept. 

A paper bag was sitting on her kitchen counter, Christ, she had to wash that too. A note was lying next to it; 

See you at The Burrow 
- F

Well, that was something at least, Rae sighed. Inside of the bag was a raisin bun from the bakery just down the street, and next to the note was a glass of water. It was close to room temperature, so he must have left a while ago. 

Rae sat down on the large window sill with the raisin bun in her mouth, a new glass of water in one hand and the note in the other. She wasn't sure what to think of the note. 

It was nice? Maybe? It was something at least. She began chewing on the bun, that was a nice gesture at least. Fred had insisted that he was angry with her yesterday, but he seemed far from angry only 30 minutes later. 

The Burrow was either going to be a lot of fun or a bloody shitshow. No use in thinking about that sort of stuff now, so instead Rae dug into her old book on chess moves and old matches, replaying them in front of her on her own classic chessboard.

"Oh, dear!" Mrs Weasley shrieked as Rae stepped out of the fire with luggage in hand and her bag over her shoulder. The older woman's eyes shot to her immediately and, her previously shocked expression, softened. 

"Oh, Rae! It's so good to see you again! Oh my, how you've grown!" Mrs Weasley spoke as she walked over to Rae and pulled her into a hug. 

Rae nervously laughed, but didn't want to try and wiggle her way out of the hug, it would probably come off as rude. 

✔𝚨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ➳ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now