Chapter 18: Good Morning

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"COME ON, RAE!" Cassius shouted next to her as he tilted her beer even further to make sure she chugged it before Eddie. Verity, Fred and Blaise were cheering them on as the music blasted in the background. 

Turner had somehow convinced Daphne to dance with him, and she actually looked to be having fun with him. Draco hadn't arrived yet, which was a little strange, but Rae had been drinking for long enough for it to not really matter. 

"DONE!" Rae yelled as she sat the can down on the table, grinning widely at Eddie who began swearing as he put down the can. 

"Christ, how on earth do you swallow so fast," Eddie smirked, he knew her all too well. 

"Practice," She winked while Verity and Cass began laughing, and Fred pulled her on top of him in the windowsill where he was sitting. 

"Pay up, Ed," Rae smiled, stretching her hand forward, but he made no move to grab his wallet or anything of the liking. 

"Why don't I pay you in another way?" He raised his eyebrows with a nod, glancing down her body, and Cass let out a little whoop. 

"You kno-" She began but was interrupted as Fred started kissing down her neck, hands roughly moving from the top of her thighs towards her knees and spreading her legs towards Eddie at the same time. 

Unbeknownst to her, Fred was glaring at the younger man the whole way through, he had not been enjoying their casual flirting throughout the last couple of hours. It mostly just caused Cass and Verity to laugh at Eddie who had been put in his place. 

"Fine, fine, I get it, Weasley, she's yours... for the time being," Eddie laughed out while going for his wallet and putting a sickle in the hand Fred had stretched out. 

Rae's eyes had trailed through the room though, and the doorway had caught her eyes for the time being. Draco had just walked in. Astoria, Daphne's younger sister was by his side, but that wasn't what had caught her eye. On the other side, none other than Min was standing. 

"Who's that guy?" Cass was the one to ask, all of their eyes shooting to the curly-haired man. 

"Min, he's an unspeakable," Rae answered, eyes locked to Draco and Min in an attempt to figure out what was going on. Draco had seemed far from keen on Min's company yesterday when the two of them had talked about it. 

"Unspeakable, huh? Can you introduce me, Rae?" Cassius grinned, and she was already rising from Fred's lap. She could get no information from where she was standing, and her wary curiosity was taking over. 

"Sure, gotta greet the guests anyway," She tried with a smile. The three who had just entered were moving towards the kitchen to grab themselves a drink, Draco leading Astoria by the low of her back. 

"So, Min, the ring important enough to crash my party?" Rae asked as she leaned her back up against the counter. 

"Ah the ever-ravishing Rae, I actually came for you and not the ring," Min smiled as he filled a glass with water for himself. 

"Of course you did, hello Draco, Astoria," She said while giving Draco a warm hug and a slightly shorter one to Astoria. 

"This is Cassius by the way, a good friend of mine," She continued while gesturing to Cass, and Min allowed himself to go in for a hug. He gave Cass a short one but wrapped his arms tightly around Rae's waist. 

"Best friend I'd say," Cass smiled as Draco and Astoria moved towards Blaise, Eddie and Marcus. 

"Well, it's nice to meet a good friend of Rae's, only spoken to Draco, I think," Min smiled kindly while looking around the room. He didn't seem to find anyone he knew, so he turned back to the two of them. 

✔𝚨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ➳ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now