Chapter 23: Wet Before Dinner

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After their little shower, they had decided to get dressed and head out straight away. Rae and Fred had made their way through Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron, and they were now ready to take on the world.

"Should we get something to drink?" She asked when they were about to pass another small store, and the mischievous expression once again flew over Fred's face. 

"No, Freddie, like actually buy it," she laughed, knowing exactly what the look on his face meant. 

"I didn't even say anything!" Fred grinned, trying to appear offended, but his own smile was betraying him. He wrapped his arm tighter around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple before continuing to lead them into the store. 

"What do you want?" He asked, eyeing the different cooled beverages inside of the large wall fridge. 

"Shhhh, I'm thinking," Rae mumbled, and her words instantly made him laugh. 

"Of course, can't forget there has to be complete silence for you to think. You should just get that one," Fred said as he pointed at a red soda, and at the same time, he made to stand behind her, both arms wrapping around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. 

"I was thinking I might go for the elderflower one actually." She took a step forward and opened the door, gripping the elderflower one for herself and the red soda for Fred. 

"We should find some food as well," Fred said as she pulled him towards the register. 

"Bagels?" She asked with a grin, knowing that they were only a few streets away from his favourite place which was luckily still open. 

"Yes, please," Fred laughed. 

They once again made their way towards Hyde Park, sitting down not far from the island in the Serpentine. The sun was starting to set beyond the trees, beginning to tell the tale of late summer and the start of autumn. A few people were still wandering around behind them, trying to go for the last run or walk before dusk, some were running with strollers in front of them while others had a large dog running beside them. 

"Do you want to get a dog?" Rae asked as she watched a large fluffy one running next to its owner. Fred followed her line of sight, finding the large dog that from his point of view appeared larger than her. 

"Sure, dogs are nice, but we might want to get one that isn't twice your size," he laughed while picking up another large leaf that had fallen from the tree above them and putting his lighter to it, beginning to set it on fire. 

"Oh bugger off, you're only like a head taller than me," she said while pushing him a bit to the side, causing the fire to trace along the edge of the leaf, charring one side of it. 

"Nah, you're at least 10 heads shorter than me, it's like looking down at a goblin." The leaf in Fred's hand finally caught fire, and he watched it burn until it was about to reach the stalk where he blew it out. 

"Am not!" She laughed as she admired him, engraving his sharp features, the small stubble, the way the fire reflected in his brown eyes. 

"I like how you said 'we'," Rae smiled, and he looked at her with a soft smile. 

"Well, we're a 'we' now." He smiled, cupping the back of her head and leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips, moving gently against hers. She deepened the kiss, crawling onto all fours and pressing him back into the grass, causing Fred to start laughing against her lips. 

"Sorry, couldn't help myself," she mumbled as she pulled slightly away, still glancing down to his lips. 

"Well, don't let me stop you." He tangled his fingers in her hair, pulling her back down as her hands landed on each side of his head, and his other hand cupped her cheek. 

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