Chapter 27: Dear God, it's me again

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Of course, Fred was still asleep when Rae woke up again. Soft snores were leaving him, and she decided to stay where she was underneath the sheets with her head resting on his chest. She caressed his stomach and chest, feeling the hairs that were slowly becoming rougher the older he got. His sharp features were relaxed, nose, eyes, and lips in perfect congregation to create a wonderful golden glow that even overpowered the sun shining brightly into the room. 

The curtains were wavering slightly in the wind, and after some time she gingerly slid away from him, even if there was practically no chance that he would wake up. Fred deserved some sleep after having been up so early yesterday because of her worried mind. 

She picked up the shirt he had worn yesterday, which neither of them had bothered to pick up, and pulled it on. It went a bit lower than the middle of her thighs, but she didn't need it to cover more as she searched through her pouch for the small chess set. She took that along with a glass of water and brought it with her out onto the balcony, enjoying the soft breeze and early smell of the sea while she began replaying old chess games. 

A couple of hours went by like that before Fred groggily stumbled out onto the balcony, fully naked, of course. Rae chuckled and shook her head slightly as he yawned and rubbed his eyes, barely even awake, it seemed. 

"Have you been awake for long?" He grumbled while leaning against the doorframe, relishing a bit in the warmth of the sun. She quickly became mesmerised as the freckled skin and toned muscles of his body moved. 

"Not too long... you really are a gorgeous man," she smirked, looking directly into his eyes, and he began laughing, a small blush even appearing. It was probably because of him having woken up only a few minutes ago. 

"It's been longer than that," he said while gesturing to the notes and the pieces lying to the side of the board. 

"Maybe, but I didn't want to wake you up," she smiled while standing up and stretching her body. She had definitely been sitting in the same position longer than she expected, but time always flew whenever she replayed games. 

"Aww, how thoughtful," Fred crooned while wandering back inside to grab some clothes for himself. 

"Shut up," she called back after him, starting to gather her pieces and cleaning everything up. Back inside of the room he had put on a pair of boxers and was in the middle of brushing his teeth.

"Whad do you wand do do doday?" He asked while barely holding his toothbrush put, once again causing her to laugh as she began searching through her pouch for some clothes. 

"We could go further into the hills from the rocks, see what we might find... orrr we could go into town and see what kind of fun stuff might be there," she smiled and followed him back into the bathroom where she began brushing her hair which she had been too lazy to do earlier. He cleaned his mouth, flushing a bit of water around his mouth before he replied.

"Town sounds good with me, do a bit of rural exploring," he grinned. 

The architecture throughout the streets was similar all around, and it looked absolutely brilliant in Rae's mind. The houses looked to be held up by magic, resting against the hill and snaking streets. The closer they got to the centre of the town, which quickly rose in size and became a city, the grander the buildings got, both architecturally and in general size. 

"Merlin, how old do you think those buildings are?" Fred chuckled as they wandered past one that looked even older than the usual houses, which had undoubtedly been updated and modernised since they were built. 

"I'd say around 15th to 18th century," she tilted her head slightly, gazing intensely at the archways and spires of what appeared to be a cathedral that they had come across. 

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