Chapter 15: Nightmares and Doubts

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TW: Gore description 

"I'm glad you dropped back into my life," Fred sighed as he ran a hand through Rae's hair. The two of them were sitting on the grass, her in between his legs and resting against his chest while he was resting against the harsh bark of a tree.

They were dressed again, empty beer bottles lying around them and reflecting the sun that had begun climbing down the sky. Neither of them really wanted to go home, even if they were both getting hungry as the evening rolled around, heading home seemed dull.

"Me too, I don't think we were meant to last back then," Rae said, slowly caressing the back of Fred's freckled and scarred hand.

"Can I be annoyingly cheesy for a bit?" He asked in a soft voice before kissing the side of her head.

"Of course, Red."

"No one has ever caught my heart the same way you did... I was too jealous back then, and maybe you were too broken- but... I sort of, always hoped we'd meet again..." Rae barely even breathed as he spoke, her fingers stopped caressing his hand as the severity of what he was saying slowly hit her.

"I don't think anyone else ever can... you're still as magical as your old name... and you'll always be my meadow... Free, light, serene and forever the most gorgeous thing I'll ever see."

She slowly twirled her body to see him and Fred was smiling, a wide grin on his face as he looked out over the water. He glanced down at her, a hint of worry tainting his expression before she kissed him, like butterfly wings gently moving against his lips.

"You're right... That was annoyingly cheesy," She smiled as she pulled away. It seemed that was the night when she realised that Fred truly had changed, maybe he wasn't as distrustful as she had first thought, and maybe, just maybe, the two of them could make it work this time.

Back then, when they were merely 18, they had everything, the chemistry, the love, the adventures and anticipation, but it wasn't right for them. Fred was right, he had been too jealous, too possessive and angry.

Rae had been too broken, too petty and she relied too heavily on other people as the source of her happiness. But things were different now, not only for Fred but for Rae as well. Back then they had felt like thunder and lightning, two sides of the storm but bound to always be apart.

It was different now, they had both calmed down. Sure, both of them still as fiery, but instead of creating a scorching all-eating and devouring inferno when they were together, it was a calmer blaze with embers and sparks flying everywhere.

Not to say that they weren't as passionate as before, far from it. They were simply more right for each other, they knew themselves better, what battles to pick and which were utterly pointless.

Many would probably think it was foolish of her to trust Fred again, Rae still did so herself, but feeling even a hint of the love he was capable of showing her, would make even the most stubborn person's worries fall to the ground.

Anyone would've swooned from the way he looked at her as he carried her sleeping body to the car, gently putting her in the passenger seat. Fred was afraid she would wake up if he tried getting her onto the backseat, and in his mind, she deserved some rest.

Fred knew he didn't really deserve a second chance, and he definitely didn't deserve it with her, but he couldn't stop himself from pursuing her. As gently as he could he brushed the hair away from her face, caressing her cheek and admiring her effortless beauty before he forced himself to turn around. No one else could make him feel like she did, and even if they could, he wouldn't want them to because they wouldn't be her.

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