Chapter 19: Endings and Beginnings

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What a person needs in a relationship will change over time. When you're younger it's easier, you barely even know yourself or what you want. You're more likely to compromise, even when you shouldn't and at the same time, you're much more naive. 

There isn't a real way to avoid this, no matter what people tell you that you should do, you most likely won't listen. The best and in most cases only way to learn is from your mistakes, and unfortunately, at times you have to make the same mistake more than once. 

Things will get sugar-coated, they'll say how they'll love you forever, never leave you and somehow you end up believing them. Perhaps you're simply with them because you feel incomplete without them.

None of that is healthy and it wasn't what Rae needed anymore. She needed someone to tell her things as they truly were, understand that sometimes things don't work out and there was no way of telling what will or won't be forever. 

Of course, there was the shared hope of forever, but both had to know that it was only a hope, a common goal they both needed to work for. Both people need to be complete without the other, they can't need the other. 

But when you're with the other person you'll want to be better than complete, want to be stronger, to grow and help each other. Rae no longer needed anyone, she told herself that every day. 

She wanted him though, not just physically but him. Maybe it wouldn't work out but Fred wouldn't hurt her again. He understood her, all of it and it meant that for once, Rae allowed herself to believe they had a pretty good chance of figuring it out. 

Her eyes fluttered open, what had seemed to her like seconds were definitely longer, the sun was coming in at a different angle. Rae's wrists were untied as well and Fred was nowhere to be seen. 

"Red?" She called out and movement could be heard coming from the living room. The door that was slightly ajar fully opened and he stepped inside with a wide grin on his face, he looked way too smug for her liking. 

"Ah, the sleeping beauty's awake again... here's some water and I mixed the pain stuff into it like you did last time, just in case," He laughed as he sat down next to her on the bed, stretching the glass forward and beginning to caress her now exposed leg. 

"I was afraid it was a dream," She smiled while taking the glass and thirstily chugging all of it. 

"Nah, you were just completely knocked out... wasn't too much right?" 

"Aww, you care for me. Little Gideon is such a nice wittle bittle sweetheart," Rae mocked and he tilted her glass slightly, causing the water-potion mix to spill all over her. 

"Go back to being a bitch, that was gross... by the way, you spilt a wittle," He laughed as she gave him the stink eye. 

"It's nice that you care though, and thanks for staying." He went over to the other side of her bed, joining her under the sheets once again. 

"Alright now, don't make fun of me but I was slightly worried... in hindsight I should've checked out what stuff I was picking up," Fred cuddled closer to her, pulling her into him so she could rest on his clothed chest. 

"I quite liked it-" 

"Yeah, don't have to tell me, I was the one feeling you choke my cock to death," He laughed, his chest causing her to bounce up and down a little. 

"Fuck off," Rae giggled while lightly hitting his chest. 

"It was just a lot, not really meant to be like that," She smiled, sitting up in the bed and looking around. Her clock showed that it was a little later than noon so luckily, not too much of the day wasn't gone. 

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