Chapter 31: A Dance of Rain

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Sleep had been harder to find that night than ever before... well, a few came close, and this time around she at least had Fred to calm her down. He'd stayed up with her for most of the night, listening to her talk about her worries and everything she had been thinking about. He was able to calm her down, rationalize most of them, and because of him, she eventually found sleep. 

He made sure to not wake her up before it was time, instead, he went out onto the balcony and practised on the guitar he had brought. He woke her up about 45 minutes before they were supposed to leave, giving her enough time to shower and clean her bag so she could bring everything necessary. 

Fred handed her the thin flannel she always wore, taking her hand and sending her a smile to ask her if she was ready to leave. Rae sighed, checking her pockets before sending him an apprehensive nod. 

They were soon walking through the courtyard, looking at the yellow walls covered in plants and colourful flowers. Leon, the owner, was already standing out in the front, glancing at his wristwatch before seeing them coming and smiling. He looked much fresher today, the bags under his eyes gone and even the greying hair looking darker and more like the rest of his black hair. 

"Ah, there you are," Leon smiled, about time we get going. He started walking up the street, and with a questioning look to the other, Rae and Fred followed him. 

"Are we walking the whole way?" Fred asked after they had made it past the street the friend of Min's had dropped them off at, that whole thing still didn't sit right with either of them. 

"No, no, much too far... we're walking to a friend who'll borrow me his car for the day. I wouldn't want to carry all of these the whole way," Leon chuckled, slapping the large shoulder bag on his side. 

It wasn't that she disliked walking, that could be fine, it was fine. They had been going on walks for most of their time here after all. Driving was just an incredibly muggle way of travelling, and it took forever, especially if they had to go far. 

"That sounds fun," she said, voice normal but sending a grimace to Fred who nodded. 

The car they were supposed to be taking was an old beatdown thing, it could drive, but it definitely wasn't quiet, and it didn't exactly smell very good. It didn't matter too much as they were still able to speak for their journey. 

"Can I ask what Robert is like?" She questioned while Fred rubbed circles on her thigh, smirking against her neck and pressing kisses to it. It wasn't that he wanted to do anything, of course, it simply meant he was happy. 

"He's been here for years, but he likes to keep to himself on... you see that mountain there? He lives there... Most people think he's a strange guy, but he's a very good piano player," Leon said, and he was definitely more eager to speak than he had been yesterday. 

"Did you say you might be related?" Leon continued with a laugh, shaking his head and violently turning the car up the snaking road. 

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure we are, I'm a piano player too," she smiled to herself, running a hand through Fred's hair which made him press another kiss to her skin. 

"Like a distant niece or something? He's always hated talking about family, so I know nothing," Leon chuckled again somewhat hoarsely. 

"Oh- ugh- I'm a bit closer than that... he might be my dad," Rae said, barely able to contain the smile on her own face. The thought of actually meeting her dad was more than simply interesting. 

"Dad!? What! Robert having a daughter? You're joking?" He turned to look at them on the backseat, for the first time taking his eyes off of the road. 

✔𝚨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ➳ 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now