Chapter 24: When In Spain

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Rae and Fred were on their way to the ministry early the very next Monday. Min had been unable to find the number, but that didn't matter too much, she was simply over joyous with the prospect of a vacation away from everyone. They didn't get interrupted too often, but even the few times they had were enough for her. Whether it was whenever they were cuddling or something more didn't matter too much. It was annoying. 

"I never want to get up that early ever again," Fred grumbled as they made their way through the crowd flushing into the ministry. Rae didn't answer, too many thoughts were rushing through her head as she bit her nails and the skin around them. 

There wasn't a clear answer as to why she felt that knowing her dad was so important, but she felt like she had to. There was no other way to find out why he had left, why he had left her, why he never came back or even tried to contact her again. 

Although it sounded cruel, she had hoped that he might've died as well. At times it seemed like the easiest way to get closure, that was what she had done with her mom. She was dead so all of their issues had just faded into nothing. At least that was how she tried to look at it. She had always been good at lying to herself. 

"I'll wake you up at 6 am every day we're there," Rae tried to say in a joking way, but it mostly came out as a mumble, and Fred instantly noticed, twirling around to look at her. 

"There's no reason to be nervous, angel," He grinned, falling back and wrapping his arm around her shoulders, but she barely calmed down. 

"Isn't there?" She looked up to him, and his own grin faltered slightly. 

"Well, alright perhaps a small reason to be nervous- but I'm sure everything is going to work out," Fred grinned down at her as he pulled her towards the Department of Magical Transportation, more specifically the portkey department. 

"Oh! You're early," Daphne said as she bumped into the two of them when they turned the corner. Rae had completely forgotten that she worked in this department, but she had never really been close with the woman. 

"Wasn't my decision," Fred smiled kindly as Daphne turned around and began leading them towards a door that was at the end of the long hallway. From beneath her robes, the woman brought out a clipboard, looking through it as her pen followed all of the names and times on the paper. 

"Right, well, there's still 30 minutes until your portkey leaves and we have 2 others before that, so you can wait in here," Daphne said as she opened up the door. 

"It's good to see you, Daph," Rae smiled while sitting down on one of the chairs in the round room that most likely functioned as a sort of entrance hall to the three doors inside. 

"You too, Rae! Gotta keep moving though, seems that everyone wants a portkey these days." And with those words, the woman left them alone in the room. Fred sat down beside her, arm around her waist and pulling her into his side so that she could rest her head on his shoulder. 

He thought about joking or saying something stupid to cheer her up but quickly pushed that idea away since she probably wouldn't relax before they were there anyway, and there wasn't much he could do about it. 

29 minutes later they were gathered around an old newspaper along with 4 other people who were going to the same place as they were. The anxiousness had only risen in Rae, and Fred could do nothing but wrap his arm tightly around her and hope that getting there would relax her. 

Her feet suddenly left the ground, spinning through the air at a ridiculous speed, everything flying by them as they soared through the air. Only a moment later was her feet safely planted on the ground again but in a room quite different from the previous one. 

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