Chapter 4: Gardening

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The sun was slowly rising in the sky, so far only a few people were making their way through Diagon Alley. Some were making their way home while others were getting to work, Rae was a part of the latter. 

The shop had been open for a few hours, it was prime time for drunk people to spend the rest of their galleons. It was a little tedious, them knocking things around and playfighting with the dildos but as long as they didn't puke anywhere Rae was fine with it. 

Rae was good at selling things and their drunk states only made it easier for her. They were quite annoying but it was money in her pocket and she was able to work on new products in the meantime. 

The dazed euphoria the fudge's had created Friday had given her an idea. If she could laze some of the toys in that, it would be a real best-seller and Rae could get rid of some of those senseless crystals. 

"Goodmorning, Bailey," Carrie said, she had a bright smile on her face and looked much better than she had Friday.

"You alright?" Rae asked while continuing to cut the flowers so she could stew them later and get out all of the good stuff. 

"Oh yeah, talked with mum about it and I'm ready for a new day of work!" Carrie said while beginning to clean the counter. 

"George Weasley is coming over later to help with business so we'll be in the backyard or flat if anything happens," Rae spoke as she gathered the flowers and put them into the pot. 

They would need to cook for a few hours to get a high enough purity level, luckily the flowers made the shop smell like lavender. 

"Ohhh that handsome successful redhead?" Carrie giggled. 

"He's an old Hogwarts friend, get your head out of the gutter." 

"We work in a pornshop, I'm surrounded by it." 

"Fair enough, just send him out to me whenever he gets here and let this be for the next couple of hours," Rae spoke as she wiped off her hands and yawned, finishing her cup of coffee. Grabbing a cup of coffee with Verity and Cassius always ended up being so much more. 

Rae had gone to bed much much later than she had anticipated and had only gotten a few hours of sleep because of it, living hell really. The lavender smell was horrible to her and she couldn't wait to replant everything in the backyard. 

Her mom had planted all of these flowers because they either smelled nice or looked pretty and sure, they did but it was kind of useless. Rae liked the plants that George needed much better, they weren't as artificial to her. 

The red, blue, yellow, purple flowers all looked good but they weren't as raw, it didn't show life. The Moly, on the other hand, was nice, a white flower with pure black stems and leaves along with a slightly yellowed stamen. 

Asphodel was similar, dark green instead of black but still white petals that were slimmer than the Molys. Asphodel although lighter in colour had darker connotations, thought to be the favourite food of the dead and sacred to the queen of the underworld. 

Dittany was pretty because of its normality, it was a plant you would walk straight past without another thought if you didn't already know it's properties. The circular leaves showed a certain calmness though, it was a relaxing plant. 

"You work pretty quick it seems," George grinned from the doorway and Rae stood back up, wiping the sweat off of her forehead and stretching her back after being hunched over for so long. 

"I needed to get rid of those anyway," Rae breathed while gesturing to the pile of colourful flowers. They were laying pretty neatly, might still be sellable after all. 

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