Chapter 14: A Little Date

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Rae had mostly called it a date as a joke, she really just wanted to hang out with Fred, but everything just came so naturally with him. It didn't make any sense to her, and it didn't really have to.

It was light, effortless and pure bliss to hang around with him. It felt as if they hadn't spent a day apart and had known each other forever. Of course, both of them had changed, but it seemed to only be for the better, and it was still so easy to bounce off of each other.

Fred was sitting with his feet up against the front window, knees bent so that he could fit and the seat as far back as possible. Not long after they had gotten in the air had he taken off his shirt, wrapped it around his elbow and smashed the window in his side.

His oversized shirt was now hanging loosely down his body, unbuttoned to expose his wonderful abs while he ate the chocolate coins. Rae had propped a lollipop in her mouth, one foot out of the window as she drove the flying car.

"I don't believe youuuu," Fred crooned again as he sent her a grin.

"I'm not lying! I was with a few guys, of course, but what can I say? Americans just aren't my type," Rae laughed, taking one hand off the wheel to twirl the lollipop around her tongue. Fred watched her movements quite intensely, and she sent him an innocent smile.

"None of them had beautiful flaming red hair?"

"There was one girl actually, an exchange student from South Africa... wandless magic wasn't the only thing she could do with her hands," Rae laughed as he threw one of the wrappers at her head.

"Bloody bisexuals," He chuckled while digging into the pocket of her shirt to get a lollipop as well.

"You're just jealous 'cause I get more girls than you."

"Ah well, can't blame them when it's you," He said before sending a wink her way, the heat was causing his eyeliner to smudge a little by now.

"I wasn't really in the mood for a longterm relationship, sharing a room with Cass didn't help," Rae smiled while sitting up straight in the seat to make sure they were going the right way.

"I get what you mean... Even now it seems like a lot," Fred sighed, also looking out of the window, but he had no clue where they were.

"I can see why you're not in a relationship if that's what you tell a girl you're on a date with." She steered the car a little more to the left since they were right above Woking by now.

"Oh sod off... you're not like other girls," Fred mumbled the last line, knowing very well how it would make her laugh at him, and it definitely did.

"Oh, I'm not like other girls?" Rae laughed out while leaning back once again as she decided they were going the right way.

"Think you just don't make an effort to get to know other girls... in other words my dearest Freddie, you're a bit of a prick," She grinned, and he sent her a sour glare.

Unfortunately for her, it quickly turned mischievous. Fred took the lollipop out of his mouth, looking at her the whole time as he broadly licked his hand, drenching it completely.

"You better not!" Rae yelled, having no way of escaping as he crept closer to her. Fred leaned over and wiped his saliva dripping hand across the shrieking girls face.

"Ew! Ew! Ewww! You're so fucking gross!" She yelled while wiping her face in her shirt, the car shaking slightly and turning a bit from her uncontrolled movements.

Meanwhile, roars of laughter were leaving Fred and a fond light in his eyes as he looked at her.

"I tried being angry with you, you know, but it was just so easy to not be when you're around," He said while beaming at her.

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