Chapter 29: Today

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Today was supposed to be the day that the owner returned and finally, Rae would be able to get some answers. She had waited for what felt like an eternity, and she was more than ready. Sleep had been hard to find last night, and she woke up much earlier than she usually would as well. 

She had tried cuddling up to Fred, hoping that his soft snores and breathing would be able to calm her and help sleep overtake her, but no such thing had happened. Now, she was stood on the balcony with a joint between her fingers and slowly puffing away while trying to ready herself for the day and what was to come. The weed had been his little gift to her, a way for her to calm down 

The sun was already high in the sky, and she could feel the heat of it warm her body every time it peeked out from between the clouds. Rae had taken Fred's sweater off because of it, now draping it over her shoulders instead to have a part of him near her at all times. 

The glass doors slid open a bit more, and she turned her head to see him groggily step out onto the balcony fully naked. She had not bothered with pants either, so who could blame him really. He stood behind her as always, arms resting on each side of her as he nuzzled into her neck. 

"Mornin'," he grumbled in a low voice while pressing a kiss to her skin, and she leaned back into him, running her fingers through his hair. 

"Good morning, love," Rae smiled, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. 

"You alright?" He asked, picking the joint out from between her fingers and taking a drag of it himself before cheekily pressing their lips together, gently moving with hers. When their lips parted smoke emerged from both of them. 

"Far from it, shitting bricks really," she nervously breathed while he started caressing her waist, and put the joint between her lips again. Fred smiled warmly to her while she took another deep drag of it, leaning her head back as she exhaled and fully gave in to the sensation of the fumes filling up her body. 

"Do you want some help relaxing?" He cheekily asked, leaning down to kiss her neck while his hands travelled up underneath her shirt, towards her breasts, slowly beginning to knead them, sucking on her neck while deep sighs were already leaving her body. 

"Please," Rae sighed, pushing her body towards him as her hands were running through his hair tugging on it to hear his lovely low pleasured sounds. He kissed across her collarbone, and his fingers gently moved down her body, fingers on the verge of tickling her soft skin as he caressed her thighs. 

With his own leg, he spread her slightly, giving himself access as his fingers teased her, never parting her lips but simply lightly grazing her body. The breath seemed to hitch in her throat, and whenever it did leave her, it was terribly shaky. 

"So very tense," Fred chuckled against her neck, his breath warming her up, and she relaxed against him, melting in his embrace from his touch. 

"That's what I like to see," he said, moving his lips up her neck to her ear, and in one movement he spread her folds and pushed a finger inside of her, pushing the air out of her body in the shape of a low whimpering moan while he bit down on her earlobe.

Fred pressed his body up against her, cupping her face and turning it as he hungrily kissed her. Rae eagerly moved with him as he moved his finger in and out of her, smiling into the kiss before her moans interrupted both of them. 

He quickly and smoothly added another, curling his fingers inside of her, and she gripped his upper arm. All it did was cause his smirk to widen, feeling her quivering breaths on him, her nails roughly pressing against his skin. 

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, falling forward and resting on his shoulder. With his other hand, he began massaging the back of her head, her moans deepening because of it. 

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