The Situation pt.2

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"I have many questions that i want answered.. and they aren't being answered!" Polaris pulled Relay aside to enlighten him on the Solar Flare situation. "So Celestia has a daughter with Discord, she went crazy and told everyone that Celestia killed Luna, in the process she almost killed herself. Yeah, Alicorns can die. But, she got put in Equestria's maximum security prison before she could kill herself. No one can visit her for her and your safety. That's why everypony is freaking out over her escape and why it's not good." "So most ponies don't know Celestia has another child?" "Nope." Celestia, Luna and Callisto continued to talk. "What if we just ended her? We wouldn't have to deal with her anymore." "Callisto. I cannot kill my own child. If that got out, I'd be done for." "Well, I mean, murder for hire does exist." Luna looked annoyed. "Callisto. Murder doesn't solve everything!" "Well mom, what about therapy? Maybe Sacred could go too!" Celestia continued pacing, worried because there was 15 hours till Twilight's coronation. Sacred finally spoke up. "We could stuff her in a closet..." "Go fuckin Harry Potter style? We can't do that!" "Relay are you okay? You're making fax machine sounds again." "Huh? Oh yeah, what about the Elements? She's very powerful and could be considered a villain." Celestia stopped pacing and ran over to Relay hugging him. "You're a bloody fucking genius! I'll call Twilight and her friends!" Celestia ran out of the bunker, leaving all of them shocked. "She doesn't even hug her own son like that..." "You're a disappointment Polaris. That's why." "Well, children." "I'M OLDER THAN YOU LUNA!" Sacred screamed. "Let me finish damnit. We should see what my sisters doing-" They all continue to exit the bunker. They exited to see the Mane 6 lined up bowing before them, after they were done, Fluttershy had a gift for Relay and Callisto, they were flower crowns she hand made. "Well princess? You going to tell us why you called so urgently and wanted the elements?" "Well Twilight. My daughter escaped from her prison." Twilight stood in shock. "...the one who said you killed your own sister...? Please don't tell me it's her." "Wait,who in Equestria would say Princess Celestia killed her own sister? What's next she replaced her with a hologram?" "Yes Dash. That's exactly what got her in prison." "Well Twilight, that's why I brought you here, I need you to defeat my daughter if you want your corrination to be on the correct day." "God Damnit Celestia, you fucking did it again, what's next Polaris tries overthrowing all of you?" Polaris slowly backs away. "Twilight, maybe we shouldn't use that language.." "Shut the fuck up Fluttershy, learn not to be so much of a fucking pussy. " "Twilight Shimmer Shine Sparkle! We don't talk that way to our best friends! Now go defeat my fucking daughter or I'm ripping your wings off myself." Twilight grabbed her wings in fear and began running out of the castle. Her friends followed suit. "Don't you think you were a little harsh Tia?" "Nah, Twilight is so full of herself."

To be continued


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