The Situation PT.3

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As Twilight and her friends exited the castle, they saw Solar Flare (Celestia's daughter)  trying to kill King Sombra, who recently returned from Hawaii. They decide to run to help Sombra as he is a changed man and isn't a tyrant anymore and refuses to hurt anyone. So the girls decided they wanted to take matters into they're own hands and brought the elements with them just in case they needed them. Turns out they did.


They do they're thing and Callisto comes out to take Solar Flare (who is now knocked out) to her bedroom where she threw her in the corner to figure out what to do with her.  Callisto goes back to the common room of the castle where Sacred comes down high off  her mind on LSD.

"Hey guys, guess what I just made!!!?!!" Sacred exclaimed excitedly.

"Y'know guys, I might be a recovering alcoholic but, atleast I'm not a drug addict."

"You have a point Callisto sweetie, but alcohol is still a drug." Luna said.

"Anyway Relay, you wanna see something before I decide what I'm gonna do to Solar Flare?"

"Hey! You're not gonna see what I created?!" Sacred asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry Sacred."  Callisto said.

"Anyway. I created a smartphone! Or atleast that's what I call it."  Sacred explanied.

"Can we go now?" Callisto asked

"Yeah sure, go now." Sacred said.

"Thanks, I'll see you later Sacred." Callisto replied.

Relay and Callisto began walking to the basement where they saw Princess Luna's secret child. Whom she had when she got drunk with a Lunar Guardsman after she got back from her imprisonment on the moon.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God. Callisto who the hell is she??" Relay asked.

"Oh her? That's Nyx. My mom got drunk and horny after she came back from her imprisonment on the moon. We don't know which guardsman is her dad." Callisto replied.

"Damn, that's fucked up." Relay replied.

"Yeah I'm not allowed to bring her up because she's chained down here because my mom is scared of her and what she's capable of, because she was born after the first Solar Flare escape attack." Callisto replied.

"Wait she was only born a few months ago? How is she dangerous??" Relay asked.

"I don't know but I'm gonna ask my mom if we can free her since she's only a few months old." Callisto replied.

As they went back up the stairs they heard a squeaking noise from Nyx, they came back down and told her they were coming to get her soon.

"Wait. If the first Solar attack was a few months ago does that mean that Celestia just wasn't caring about the safety of Equestria?" Relay asked.

"No. We put her in Tardis the last time but she somehow escaped and we don't know how." Callisto replied.

Callisto and Relay decided since it was late they were going to go to bed and ask about Nyx in the morning. They said their good nights and Callisto wished she could sleep with Relay once more.

To be continued.

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