I lied.

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Polaris, Celestia and Sombra were walking to the throne room, and Polaris started speaking.

"Mom, dad, what would have happened if you guys got married?" Polaris asked as he looked at the both of them

"Well son, I wouldn't have turned evil and Equestria would look completely different!" King Sombra replied.

"Would Equestria really look that different Sombra?" Celestia replied.

"Yes. Of course it fucking would, instead of you and your sister ruling it would be me and you!" Sombra angrily replied back.

"Mom, dad, please! No need to yell!" Polaris looked at his parents in disbelief that they hadn't been together for ten minutes and they were already fighting.

"Anyway Umbrum, I wanted to take you back to Hawai'i with me. Equestria is making you soft. I don't like it." Sombra said to his son, saying his secondary name because he didn't like the first name his mother gave him.

"Dad my name is Polaris, not Umbrum. And i don't wanna go to Hawaii with you." Polaris corrected his dad.

"Polaris Umbrum! Why do you not want to go to Hawaii with your dear ol' dad? Do you not want to spend time with me?! I'm very offended son." Sombra sounded stern.

"Polaris, why do you not want to go Hawaii with your father?" Celestia asked her son.

"Well uh, I gotta go!!" Polaris said and ran away.

"SACRED SCROLL!" Polaris screamed as he ran up to her.

"AHH!" Sacred screamed and dropped the books she was carrying. "What the fuck Polaris!" She screamed again as she picked up her books and potions she dropped.

"I have a lot to tell you. But i'm gonna say this now. I've had a crush on you for a year now, don't ask me how, it confuses my tiny pea brain, and my dad is trying to get me to come with him to Hawaii, and he wont take me if i have a girlfriend, yeah i know, it's suprising i'm straight, he wont take me, please, please, PLEASE, it's not just because i don't wanna go, I fucking love you to death and i only want the best for you, I feel like it will help you. I'm gonna give you a bit to think about it..." Polaris dumped on Sacred.

"Oh, Polaris, I, uh... I feel like you could help me too! I've felt the same way about you too, so, yeah! I'll save you from your ex-tyrant dad! To be honest, I don't trust him at all." Sacred replied happily.

"I FUCKING LOVE YOU SACRED YOU ARE A LITERAL LIFE SAVER!" Polaris ran to go tell his parents he can't go to Hawaii cause he has a girlfriend.

"Mom! Dad! I have news!" Polaris happily exclaimed.

"You're gay?! My son's gay!" Celestia said.

"No mom, i'm Not gay. Callisto is bi though so someone in our family is. BUT! I have a girlfriend! Me and Sacred started dating this morning!" Polaris exclaimed.

"FUCK! Now I can't bring you to Hawaii and spend time with you! I know what it feels like to have a lover taken away from you son." Sombra said.

It was getting late, Luna had already raised the moon, 4 hours ago. Celestia, Sombra and Polaris went their separate ways. They all said goodnight to eachother.

to be continued (im sorry its like 3 am im fucking tired)


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