Finding the Idiots

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The two ponies looked around the garden, looking for Time and Sacred, hoping they weren't too drunk/ wacked out on drugs (or even ON drugs for that matter). They found them. Passed out of course, probably drunk. They shook the two mares. No answer. Callisto teleported some water in a bucket, it was ice cold, she then poured it on them. No answer. They then dragged there lifeless bodies into Sacred's room, Callisto had never seen inside before. There was so many coffee cups, she had no bed, her room was littered with Discord's own energy drink Chaos Energy. They dropped there lifeless bodies on the floor, because there was no bed. And they went down the hall to Callisto's room. They really wanted to do something, unlike Sacred and Time, Relay and Callisto, weren't really party ponies, while Sacred was out getting wacked out on drugs and making out with several different mares and stallions, Relay and Callisto were in the castle looking at old photos and prank calling ponies. They were going to do just that, play truth or dare and prank call ponies. "What kind of drugs do you think those two were on?" Callisto asked. "I hope they were on none. Sacred needs to stop." Relay replied. "You're right, but you don't understand how much she loved her father, and after he disappeared, she went down hill." Callisto replied, as she unlocked the door to her room. It opened as soon as she unlocked it. "Sacred is different. She's like if problems was a pony." Callisto said.
They walked in the room, Relay had never actually looked at her room. He was amazed by how much moon stuff surrounded her room, she had Luna's old room, aka up some stairs, near the observatory. Her roof was all windows, it was covered right now but, when she opened the blackout curtains the room was immediately lit up by the night. The sat in her chill corner, she got up because she forgot her phone on the charger. She grabbed it, dialed Pizza Pony's number, Pizza Paul answerd. "Hey uh, I'd like to order a B O N E L E S S pizza" Relay asked. "Don't you mean boneless wings? We have Canterlot's finest..!" The pizza boy replied. "No, boneless pizza. That's what I meant." He hung up.


Thank you again, Multi_fandom_garbage for letting me use Relay Report.

With ♡ ChxrryBlxssxm

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