The Teleporter

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Sacred Scroll (Star Swirl's daughter) was working on the Teleporter, her invention, it also time traveled, to bring her to different worlds. "Aha! It's done! It's finally done!" Sacred exclaimed. Celestia walked by and seen Sacred holding the teleporter with magic. "Sacred, what did you do this time?" Celestia asked. "I made a teleporter that also time travels!" Sacred said. "Why don't you try it out?" Celestia said. "Okay!" Sacred walked out of the room, big metal teleporter floating with a light yellow aura around it. "LUNA! CALLISTO! POLARIS! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE! I BUILT SOMETHING!" Sacred screamed, as she dropped the teleporter. Polaris and Princess Luna walked down to the dining hall where Sacred and Celestia were, Callisto Delta walked in, drunk off her mind. "H-Hey *hic* guys! *hic*" Callisto said, slurring her speech and stumbling.
"Callisto, go to bed, sweetie, your drunk." Luna said, wanting to be a caring mother. "I don't-" Callisto said before crashing on the castle floor. "GUARDS! BRING CALLISTO TO HER ROOM!" Luna yelled pointing to passed-out daughter. The guard carried the unicorn away. "Okay so who wants to go with me?" Sacred said. The 3 other ponies looked at eachother. "No thanks, Sacred." They all said. Sacred hopped on the teleporter.

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