After the Gala

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Callisto thought about what happened last night. She also found Relay's hoof around her. She pushed him off of her and checked her phone. She realized it was like 3pm. She had 30 missed calls from her mother. She shook Relay to wake him up. "Callisto?! Wait this isn't my bed, or my room!" "Yeah no shit, you goof. Looks like we got too tired to remember anything." "Wait, why do I have 100 missed calls from Celestia?! IT'S 3PM?! Oh my god, I'm going to loose my job! How will I tell Myth?" (AN: Myth is Relay's husband.) "Relay, calm yourself, you're not gonna loose your fucking job, Celestia will understand." Relay continued to freak out. "But, Callisto. What if I do?" He looked like he was about to pass out, the Luna walked in.
"Have you seen Sacred and her friend at all since you- oh it looks like you guys just woke up. Wait, why is Relay in your room, specifically in your bed? Isn't he married?" "Yeah we got too tired to remember anything mom. And no, we haven't seen them, but I think they might have went back to the other world." "Oh, hi Ms. Luna! Can you apologize to your sister for me?" "Yeah, sure Relay." Luna walked out. "I hope nothing happened last night Relay. I wouldn't wanna ruin your relationship." She said as she put on some music on her laptop and ordered some pizza. "No, I have control in my sleep miss." He got off the bed. They both walked out of Callisto's dark room to be greeted by Luna once again. "Callisto dear, I wanted you to at least have second thoughts on becoming an Alicorn like me and Celestia. I want you to take my place. Give me an answer by tomorrow night." She walked away. "Damn, I never though your mother would ever think to ask you to take her place.." "Me neither, she's been acting a little more motherly lately and it's fucking scaring me." She said as she payed the pizza pony. "I think I might tell her I want wings. I think it's be cool to take my mothers place.."

To be continued.

Thanks again gotpistanthrophobia for letting me use Relay Report and his husband.

With ♡ ChxrryBlxssxm

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