A break.

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Callisto woke up to her head hurting worse than it hurt when she had a hangover.

"You're finally awake!" Relay exclaimed.

"Yeah, and what a joy it is." Callisto said sarcastically.

"You fell pretty hard, I thought you died." Relay said.

"I'm Callisto Fucking Delta. Nothing can kill me." She said.

"Your middle name is Fucking?" He asked.

"Yes. What about it?" She asked back.

"That's a really weird middle name." He replied.

"My mother was trapped in solitude on the moon for over 1000 years. Cut her some slack." She replied.

"You have a point. but weren't you only a few years old when she went all nightmare moon on you guys?" He asked

"I was 10 actually. That doesn't prove the point of why my middle name is Fucking." Callisto said.

"My head still hurts like fucking hell." Callisto said.

"Hangover or-" Relay asked

"I fell on the floor idiot. We might be rich but we're not rich enough to have cloud floors. And plus you, Sacred and the other staff members who aren't pegasi wont be able to walk on them." Callisto replied.

"Oh yeah right, well we should probably check on the oth-" Relay tried to get out before Polaris snatched him up.

"Where are you taking me???" Relay asked.

"To the spa! We need to plan something! And you're the best man!" Polaris said as he started flying to the Ponyville spa with Relay in his hooves.

"Best man? Didn't you and Sacred just get together?" Relay asked.

"We've been on and off since I was 18." Polaris responded.

That was true, Polaris and Sacred had been on and off for over a thousand years at this point. They haven't dated anyone else. While their family might be against it, it was their decision and they wanted this.

Back at the castle Callisto sat confused as she just saw the stallion they were talking to ripped out of her bedroom. She was even more confused about how he got Relay down 4 flights of spiral staircases without hurting him.

At the spa Relay and Polaris talked about his little wedding debacle. They decided that they should go casual instead of having a big royal wedding like Princess Cadence and Shining armor. Relay would later ask Pinkie Pie, a close friend of his, if she could find them a venue.

"Thank you Polaris. For once I finally feel listened to and appreciated." Relay said to him.

"Callisto doesn't listen to you?" Polaris asked.

The sounds of the spa circled around them.

"Oh no, she does, I keep her alive. Her and Princess Luna almost worship me for keeping her alive. But Celestia doesn't seem to appreciate all the work I do. I sit down it the basement all day taking marriage proposals, solving disputes, and answering fan mail. And I even told her Chrysalis was coming for Cadence's wedding, she didn't even say okay or freak out. My pay is still shit despite doing everything for her. Callisto buys food for me sometimes because I can't afford it." He explained to Polaris.

"Oh wow. I'll talk to her about this when we get back." He said taking money out of his wallet to pay for the spa experience.

"Wait no, I can help you dude." Relay said.

"You just said a wanted criminal has to pay for your food." He replied.

"Right..." Relay said.

They were walking back to the train station where Relay saw an amazing red tie in the Gentle Stallions store, which wasn't in Canterlot, he didn't want to say anything to Polaris because he thought he must've been exauhsted and just wanted to go home.

They got off the train and Polaris decided he would show the special thing he had for Sacred to her later.

to be continued.

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