It's Just Like Having Another Sibling!

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Relay had returned from his quest with the *proper* materials.

"I'm back Callisto!" Relay said.

The castle was filled with Canterlot's highest members of society, which was basically it's entire population.

"Did you have another child Princess? Hahahahahaha. You're a slut." A member of Celestia's highest court member had said.

Relay had a embarrassed look on his face as Celestia walked over to him.

"Don't worry about them Relay, next time use protection though. Nah, I'm kidding, I know it's Luna's." Celestia had made a remark, embarrassing the assistant even more

Relay looked at the princess with a confused but also mad look.

"This was a nice talk Princess, but if you would please excuse me I have a 3 month old baby to attend to." Relay had said as he backed up and ran up the stairs to the old observatory.

He knocked on Callisto's door. She didn't answer. Knowing he was always allowed in he just opened the door. She was asleep on the floor with the baby in hand. Relay smiled.

"She's gonna be a great mother." Relay said.

Relay set up the bassinet and put the baby inside, and then woke up Callisto. Aggressively.

"I was gone for 2 hours! How the fuck did you fall asleep? And the baby did too? How did you get a baby asleep?" Relay asked the half asleep Callisto.

"Wait we fell asleep? We were just watching movies. I guess we just both fell asleep..." Callisto responded.

The baby was fast asleep when Luna came in to check on her. She thought her baby was dead. She then realized she was very much alive.

"Callisto I thought you killed my baby!" Luna quietly screamed.

Luna left her room with her baby and went downstairs to show Celestia her neice.

"That was quite weird wasn't it?" Relay said as Luna left the room.

"Yeah, I want my baby sister back." Callisto scoffed.

"Y'know, finding Nyx was the best thing that happened to us. In the 10 years of knowing each other I don't think i've ever mentioned me having 6 siblings." Relay told Callisto when they were finally alone together.

"Wait, you have six siblings? So that means you're good with kids? If i'm wrong, I didn't have any siblings until 3 months ago so.. yeah." Callisto replied.

"Uh, yeah I'm pretty good with kids but, i don't think i'm ever going to have any of my own. I might be asexual." Relay said to Callisto.

"Oh. I don't know if i'd have my own children either, dying during labor isn't that appealing." Callisto responded.

Luna walked back in the room to grab a diaper for her child.

"I'll give her back tonight, as dream walking with a child would be hard." Luna told Callisto and Relay her plans.

To be continued.

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