But What Is So Headstrong as Youth?

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

Y/n and Anne stood in their room. Their dresses laid on their beds as they gently rang their hands on them, getting the ruffles out.


After they were dressed, Anne started putting her signature pigtail braids in, as Y/n put it a neat ponytail like she always wears.


A chalkboard, some books and school utensils sat on their beds. The two neatly put their stuff together, strapping them to keep them secure.


Matthew and Marilla sat in the kitchen. As Matthew sat at the table, Marilla walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Anne! Y/n!"


As Anne finished her second braid, the two looked into the mirror together, letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding, as Anne grips Y/n's hand.


The two quickly walked down the stairs, going to join Marilla and Matthew. Just as they were about to hit the floor, Anne stopped, realizing she forgot a part of her dress, running back upstairs.

Y/n walked to the table, giving the older Cuthbert's a smile as she sat down, while Anne came running back down.

"Well..." the red head breathes, "I expect it's perfectly normal to be nervous on our first day, but I'm sure everything will be fine. Right, Y/n?" She turned to her sister.

Y/n nodded, gulping nervously, "Right."

She was lying, though. Just to keep Anne calm, but she could tell the red head was nervous, as well.

"We don't have much experience with school, but why wouldn't it be fine?" Anne speaks again. "Better than fine. I have no doubt it will be. None at all. We're a few years behind... but that's no reason not to be optimistic. The only place Y/n and I can go from here, academically speaking, is up. If a person puts their best foot forward, things can go well-"

Anne walks around the table, almost bumping into Marilla on the way.

"Slow those feet down, please." The older woman says.

"It will be nice to have a lot of new friends. Although, I expect it will be difficult to find a toehold, since they've probably known each other forever. Going to school is mine and Y/n's lifelong dreams. What could possibly go wr-"

Anne was cut off as she grabbed a teacup, but it slipped out of her hands, smashing on the floor beside her feet. Marilla quickly walked in, hearing the sound of glass.

"Please let that not be portentous." Anne says.

"For heaven's sake, Anne, I told you to slow down." Marilla scolds.

Matthew stands up, walking past Marilla, "I'll fetch a broom."

Y/n also stood up, going to her sisters side.

"I'm sorry, Marilla." Anne apologizes.

"You two will do just fine today." Matthew assures, glancing at Y/n. He could see by her state that she was just as nervous, just trying not to show it. "You girls are as smart as the dickens."

"Oh, I'm not so worried about my brain. I believe it to be in good working order. Y/n's, too." Anne states, glancing at her sister.

"Hm." Marilla hums.

"And with any luck, we'll catch up with the rest of the class quite quickly. That's not really my concern. Do you want to know what my big concern is? My overriding concern?" Anne questions as she sits down next to Y/n.

Anne with an E (Gilbert Blythe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now