But What Is So Headstrong as Youth? Pt 3

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

All the students sat at their desks, books in front of them. Mr. Phillips had walked towards Prissy's seat in the very back. They met eyes but she quickly looked away, her arms crossed. He turned his back towards her, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Open your readers to page thirty-two." He called to the class. Everyone obeyed.

As they did so, one row behind where Y/n sat with Diana and Anne, on the boys side, sat Gilbert. He couldn't keep his eyes off the h/c haired girl. He wanted to know more about her, but she wasn't talking to him.

"We will read aloud Barry Cornwall's poem, "The Fisherman."" Mr. Phillips informed.

Anne smiled, glancing at her sister and Diana. "Finally! Something I can do well." She whispered.

Y/n smiled as Diana spoke. "I'm happy for you, Anne."

"Diana Barry, stand and begin." Mr. Phillips nodded at the girl.

Diana reluctantly stood up, clearing her throat. ""A per-i-lous life and sad as life may be hath the lone fisher on the lonely sea-""

"Perilous, indeed. Sit down." Mr. Phillips interrupted. Everyone could see Diana was having trouble. "New girl. The red head. Up. Continue." He said to Anne.

Anne smiled, standing up, taking a deep breath. ""O'er the wild waters laboring far from home for some bleak pittance e'er compelled to roam."

Everyone stared at the red head weirdly at how dramatic she was being. Y/n had looked down at her desk, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. She loved her sister and the way she had imagination, but sometimes it would embarrass her. Gilbert had only been staring at her, seeing how embarrassed she was.

"Few hearts to cheer him through his dangerous life and none to aid him in the stormy strife." Anne was now practically shouting, as many students were trying not to bust out in laughter. "Companion of the sea and silent air. The lonely fisher thus must ever fare. Without the comfort, hope, with scarce a friend. He looks through life and only sees it end."" Anne finishes as the class burst out laughing.

"Sit down!" Mr. Phillips demands.

With a big smile on her face, she sits down as Y/n continues to look at her feet in embarrassment. The only other person not laughing was Gilbert. He just kept staring at Y/n. The two knew why the class was laughing once Anne had finished her dramatic scene.

"Sweet merciful lord." Mr. Phillips says under his breath, rolling his eyes.

Anne then looks around, seeing why they were laughing about, making her frown. She glances at Y/n, seeing that her sister still had an embarrassed expression laying on her, making her frown bigger. She didn't want to do that to her sister.

"Josie Pye." Mr. Phillips call, making the class settle down more. "Read Campbell's Pleasures of Hope, "The Downfall of Poland.""

""Oh! Sacred Truth! Thy triumph ceased awhile...""


During lunch time, both Anne and Y/n were outside. Y/n sat on a log, drawing the view in front of her as Anne stood a couple feet away, looking at some flowers that caught her eye. Through the window, inside the building stood the girls, eating while watching Y/n, making sure she doesn't go anywhere near Gilbert.

She could feel their gazes on her, but ignored it, continuing to draw.

Walking out of the school, Gilbert walked around to where Y/n sat, an apple in hand. He was hoping he could talk to her more. The girls spotted him through the window, but he didn't see them as he faced Y/n, his back facing them. She noticed his presence, but didn't say anything, just continued to draw in her book.

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