Remorse Is the Poison of Life

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

The sun was down, the moon shining up high in the sky. The soft sounds of owls hooting up in the tree could be heard, along with the heavy pants and footsteps of Diana Barry. The girl's feet crunched against the snow, holding her lantern in her grip, continuing her journey forward.

After she had suddenly fallen to the ground, Diana ignored it and continued running in only her pajamas, soon making it to Green Gables, opening up the fence and rushing towards the house. Without a second thought, she runs inside, heading upstairs and towards Anne and Y/n's room, instantly waking them up when she sprints inside.

"Diana?" The sisters murmur in question.

"Minnie May, she's sick." Diana informs, on the point of sobbing. "We need to wake Miss Cuthbert."

"She's not here. She went to see the premier. Did your parents go as well?" Anne asks.

Diana nods frantically. "Yes!"

Sharing a glance, they sisters immediately get up, putting on their robes.

"What's wrong with Minnie May?" Y/n questions.

"I don't know. She's choking and coughing. It's horrible!" Diana exclaims.

"Croup." The twins mumble, exchanging a knowing look.

"We need the doctor." Diana states.

Y/n runs towards their door. "Matthew? Matthew, come quick!"

As the e/c eyed girl called out for the older man, Anne bent down, opening up a drawer and grabbing a blanket.

"Put this on you before you catch your death." Anne instructs as she tosses it to the Barry girl.

"Aunt Josephine is staying with us, but she doesn't know what to do. She's never seen a cough like this." Diana explains.

"We have." Anne replies, both sisters putting on their shoes just as Matthew walks in. 

"Matthew, ride to Carmody and fetch the doctor. Minnie May is gravely ill. We'll go home with Diana." Y/n instructs to him.

Matthew nods. "We'll see you there."

And with that, he walks out of the room, getting ready as the sisters tie their shoelaces while Diana continues to sob, wanting nothing more for than her little sister to be well and safe.

"Oh, Anne, Y/n, she's fearful sick. She can scarcely breathe." Diana sobs.

"I need to fetch the ipecac before we go. Matthew won't be back for hours." Anne informs as they jog down the hall.

"We'll do everything we can until then." Y/n adds.

"I've missed you both so much." Diana admits.

"We've missed you too." They reply.

Once Anne had grabbed the ipecac, the three girls were off and out of Green Gables, running through the forest, heading their way back to the Barry residence. Eventually, they make it to the house, where Anne and Y/n immediately went to work.

Y/n heated up a large pot of hot water near the fireplace while Anne used the ipecac. As they did that, Diana held her little sister, Minnie May, in her arms. Minnie May continued coughing loudly, her cough not sounding like a normal one. The little girl was wrapped up in a blanket as Y/n walks over with the pot, carefully placing it in front of the sisters.

"Lean her over. Make sure she's right above the steam." Y/n orders. "We have to loosen the phlegm that's choking her."

Obeying, Diana still holds Minnie May as she leans the girl just above the pot of hot water, the girl continuing to cough.

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