An Inward Treasure Born pt 3

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

The next morning, everyone stood outside the Gillis' burnt house. Y/n stood in-between Anne and Jerry, blankets still wrapped around their shoulders, ash still laying on their faces.

"And we thank Thee, O Lord, for your mercy." The Minister continues, standing in front of everyone, his back facing the house. ""And of some have compassion, making a difference. Others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy...""

"Maybe you two could be firefighters." Jerry whispers to the twins, who roll their eyes, smiling at him.

"...we thank thee for watching over us and keeping all in our community safe from harm. Praise be to God Almighty." The Minister finishes.


"Alright, it's settled." Rachel starts as everyone had scattered. "The Gillis family will be billeted out to the Barry's, the Cuthbert's and ourselves."

"All the men pulling together, we figure the major repairs will take about a week." A man informs, walking towards the small group.

Mr. Barry nods. "Sounds about right."

"Jerry and I will put things right at Green Gables and be back as soon as we can." Matthew speaks.

"As will I. I'll bring as many hands as I can spare." Mr. Barry adds.

Mr. Gillis nods to them. "Thank you. What a thing. What a thing."

"We'll get it all squared away. Never fear." Mr. Barry assures.

"We owe you all a great debt of thanks." Mrs. Gillis says before turning to the twins. "Especially dear Y/n and Anne." The girls smile at the woman. "Risking your lives for us, and taking such a quick action. And, ladies, thank you kindly for agreeing to take the children. Especially since school won't be in session. You'll have your hands full. Ruby? Come here, please."

"It's no trouble at all. We're happy to have her." Marilla states as Ruby walks up to them, standing in-between her mother and father.

"Now, Anne, Y/n, and Ruby can get to know each other better." Mrs. Gillis pats her daughter's arm.

"What?" Ruby questions in disbelief, glancing at the twins. "No. Mother!"


"I don't want to stay there." At Ruby's plead, Anne and Y/n frown.

"My, my."

"Calm yourself."

"Why can't I stay with Diana?"

"That's enough! The plan is set."

"I'll never live it down! Please don't make me!"

"I won't have any more of this. After this evening you should be grateful to have a bed to sleep in at all." Mrs. Gillis tells her daughter sternly.

"Hear, hear."

"I apologize." With that, Mr and Mrs. Gillis walk away, leaving a crying Ruby behind.

"It doesn't matter what the other girls think, Ruby." Ruby turns to Diana, who stood in-between the twins. "It matters what you think." Diana wraps her arms around the sisters shoulders. "And I, for one, think Y/n and Anne are marvelous and brave."

Smiling brightly, Anne and Y/n hug Diana, the three sharing a group hug while Ruby stands there.

"I'll visit soon, alright?" Diana smiles at them before walking to her family while the sisters slowly walk to Ruby.

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