An Inward Treasure Born

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

Another day of school. Once again, Anne didn't go, but Y/n continued to. She may have still been friends with Diana, but she didn't eat lunch with her and the other girls. After what happened that day.

Though, she did get along with someone.

Gilbert Blythe.

Currently, Y/n was walking down for breakfast. Matthew sat at the table, Marilla was walking around the kitchen when she came down.

"Good morning." Y/n greeted the two.

"Good morning." Marilla greeted back as Matthew nodded at the girl, a small smile on his face.

Y/n sat down, just as Marilla put breakfast down. Sitting down herself, she realized that a family member was missing at the table.

Marilla looked at Y/n. "Where's Anne?"

"She's awake." Y/n informed. "She said she didn't want to come down."

Marilla scoffed, getting up from her seat, walking to the bottom of the stairs. "Anne!" She got no answer. "Anne! Get down here, now!"

As Marilla still got no answer from the red head, she grumpily walked back to her seat at the table, continuing to eat while ranting on about the girl upstairs.


Y/n walked in the forest, close to school. She was reading a book, making her distracted to hear the footsteps coming up from behind her.

"Hi." A voice spoke from behind her.

Jumping, she turned around, meeting eyes with the one and only, Gilbert Blythe.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." Gilbert chuckled.

Y/n nodded, looking down at her feet. "You've been doing it everyday... I should get used to it."

The boy chuckled again. "It's cute."

His small smile had gotten bigger once he heard the h/c haired giggle a little. "I'm not cute... your cute." She mumbled the last part quietly.

Gilbert raised a brow, still hearing it slightly. "Oh, really?"

Y/n started stammering, heat rushing to her cheeks, realizing she's been caught. She didn't admit it, but he had been on her mind since they met that one morning. She wanted to get to know him more. For the past couple days that Anne hadn't gone to school, Y/n and Gilbert had gotten to know each other better.

They ate together at lunch. Talked, laughed. She even showed him some of her drawings, which wasn't normal for her. She didn't know why, but she felt comfortable whenever she was with Gilbert.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Gilbert grabbed her hand, pulling her along the trail to school. "Come on. Don't wanna be late."

What Y/n didn't know, was that Gilbert had felt the same. She had been through his mind ever since they met. And he was really glad that she started talking to him. He enjoyed spending time with her at lunch. It was like they were best friends.

And when he had grabbed her hand, both of them felt butterflies in their stomach.


Class was done, and now it was lunch time. Gilbert had ahold of Y/n's hand, pulling her outside where they always now sat for lunch. The two ignored the stares they got from the other kids.

Josie and the girls always couldn't help but glare at the e/c eyed girl, while Ruby was usually on the verge of crying. Meanwhile, the boys would talk about them. Wondering what the "Gilbert Blythe" was doing and hanging around an orphan.

Anne with an E (Gilbert Blythe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now