Chapter 29: Ambush

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Yes, we have a plan. Yes, we're going to need the police. But the police are not the main part of the plan, we are. They're just a distraction. We're saving the twins our style. 

Teto was pumped up, eager to get the guns out. Kaito, Luka and Meiko were more serious. Mikuo was going over the plan with the police on the phone, he was trying to control his voice. Of course, if you're talking to the police, you have to be polite. Even if you don't like them. 

While we were loading up, Teto asked hesitantly, "Are you going to tell the twins? About their parents, I mean." 

"I have no choice, do I?" 

Teto was silent for a few seconds, then she picked up something from the table and tossed it at me. I caught it on reflex and opened my palm to see what it was. The glowing pink bracelet that once belonged to me, before I gave it to one of the twins. Which twin does it even belong to? I don't even know, they had identical bracelets. All my bracelets were the same after all. Perhaps if I had given them different coloured bracelets, I would know which twin had lost their shield. "Take that along with you. You never know when you might need it." Teto told me, "You'll definitely give it back to either one of the twins." I silently pocketed the bracelet, then added a few grenades on my belt. "Let's go." 

The police was already at the location where we had agreed to meet up. The meeting spot was nearby the building where the twins were held, close enough to be able to walk up to it without being suspected by the people in the building. From above, we would have probably looked like normal people minding their own business in this secluded part of the town. Although, to be out here in the middle of nowhere is actually pretty shady, I'm not going to lie. 

The police hiding around the meeting spot didn't hear us coming. We had parked further up, even walked past their cars, to avoid suspicion. As assassins, it's pretty obvious we don't walk like elephants. If anyone said that, I would honestly be very offended. And as assassins, we're also selfish, in a way. This plan will involve lives being lost, but it would be none of ours or the twins. Maybe the police, if they're not careful enough, but we couldn't care much. Most of the lives being lost would be the people who dared to cross us. 

The surroundings of the building was eerily quiet, just the way we needed it to be. The police went in first, giving us a signal to be ready. The door was busted down and shouts of alarm can be heard from inside. While the police were taking care of the lackeys, we headed straight for the top, shooting a few people down here and there. We always aimed for the head or the heart. If it was any other area, there was a chance of them getting back up and getting a gun. 

Not going to lie, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. The police being there seemed to be more of a hassle. We had to make sure we didn't hit the wrong person. But we made it to the top, leaving a trail of bloodshed behind, and that's all that matters. Now this is the important part.
Teto and I had made our way straight here to this last door that stood in our way. The others were dealing with the people downstairs. The people behind this door would probably already know what's going on, and are ready to deal with us. Of course, we're not going to just bust our way in. That's too dangerous.

We're gonna do what's called a dramatic entrance. 

I used all my strength and kicked open the door, then dashed to the side. Teto tossed in a smoke grenade - just at the entrance so it doesn't affect the twins - and we put on our masks. Two gunshots rang out, but no bullets flew out the door. I nodded at Teto. Move in. 

We split up, Teto going right while I went left. We were used to the smoke and could identify the shadows flailing about, trying their best to find the intruders. I glanced at the middle of the room, two figures were huddled together on the floor, with two adult shadows standing above them. I could just make out the shadows of a knife in each of their hands. Deal with them later, finish off the distractions first. 

A couple more gunshots later, every single lackey in the room was either bleeding to death or is already dead on the floor and the smoke had cleared. The twins' eyes widened when they saw us, unscathed and angry. These last two men pointed their knives at the twins as we stepped closer, "Any closer and they're going to get it." 

We weren't afraid. We raised our guns simultaneously, and I said, "Which is faster? A knife or a bullet?" 

"My, my, Miku. I don't remember teaching you that. Where did you learn it from, I wonder?" 

I felt my eyes widen. No way. Not after so many years. 

I spun around halfway, not lowering my aim. Just enough to see the man behind me. The man that I haven't seen for who knows how many years. 


Author's note: Hi guys, so sorry for the inconsistent updates aha. This year's a crucial year for me, national exams are a pain. Also writer's block and art block happen a lot recently, so please go easy on me. It's hard to find time to write and draw at the same time lol, so far I can only squeeze in some time on the weekends. Thank you for reading this far aha and I hope you're enjoying the story so far :) 

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