Chapter 21: call for help

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Teto and I puzzled over the cameras over the next few days. And as we were trying to put the clues together, Rin was busy practicing for her competition. Sometimes when our brains are too tired to deal with the cameras and everything, we joined the twins in Rin's room and listen to Rin practice her song. Crazy things happen sometimes.

Once, Rin was halfway practicing when out of nowhere, a cockroach appeared. One thing about Rin, she doesn't like insects. Any insect, except the butterfly. She absolutely hated insects. So what was her reaction when she saw the cockroach? She screamed. Except it didn't come out as a scream, it came out as a high note. Len and I stared at Rin while Teto just took out a dagger and stabbed the cockroach. All Len had said was, "Rin. What the hell?" Now there's a small hole in the floor where the dagger went in and Rin had added in the high note into her song. A great addition, if I do say so myself. Not the hole. The high note.

Then there was another time where Rin was thinking about her performance. "Should I start by smashing a guitar? It would gain the audience's attention," she mused while tuning her guitar. Teto had stared at Rin like she was mad. I had piped up, "Uh, Rin. A guitar costs a lot, you know. I don't think it's worth it to smash a guitar just to gain the audience's attention."
Rin had shrugged, "I can always get a new one."
Rich. I forgot about that.
Len had said, "It's a waste of a guitar if you smash it. Your guitar is in great condition. Besides, if you smash your guitar, how are you going to continue your song?"
Rin then stared at the wall so long that Len looked up from his phone to check her reaction. She ended up turning to him and saying, "You're right. I never thought about that."
Rin went back to tuning her guitar after that. I looked over at Len with a look that said "How the heck did you do that?" on my face. He just stuck his tongue out at me and gave me a peace sign. Like I said, he loves to tease me.

Then, there's today. Everything was going okay, nothing was out of the ordinary. Rin and Len were in a good mood, their parents were coming back earlier tonight. There's a chance they could have dinner outside. Rin had decided to practice a different song today, so she wouldn't forget the other songs she had written. Sometimes Len joined in, whenever he felt like it. I loved listening to his voice, it was amazing. It always makes my heart skip a beat no matter how many times I've heard it. Teto somehow had got us cake again, and a loaf of bread. Did I mention she loves bread? Eats it everyday for breakfast and as a snack. Any bread is fine with her, as long as it's bread. I had brought my two goldfish that Len and Rin had gotten me that school festival night over to Rin's room. Rin loves the two goldfish so much, I decided to put their bowl in her room for her to feed everyday. Condition was to not feed too much and change their water regularly. She had given me a look, "I know that. Don't worry, they'll be fine."  They looked fine today, so that's great. She had given them names, Orange and Banana. Weird names, huh? But as long as Rin is happy, I don't mind. 

Today was going okay, until my phone started ringing. I glanced at the caller id and frowned. I got up and waved at the others, "I'll be right back." After making sure I closed the door behind me, I answered the phone. 


"Is this Hatsune Miku?" A slightly familiar voice asked, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Why does it sound so familiar? 

"It is. Who is this?"

"We have your brother. Found him walking in the streets. Says you have money for us." Mikuo? In a street? That's not normal. 

"Yeah, I don't think so. My brother almost never comes out of the house."

"Wanna hear him for yourself?" The phone line got a little distorted as the phone moved. I heard clothes rustling. 

"Miku, it's me. Yes, they found me on a street. I was coming to visit you, a little unexpected I know. I need to tell you, whatever you do, don't come-"

"Quit talking rubbish!" A slap resounded through the phone, and I sucked in a breath. I was trying my best to not snap my phone in two right now, taking deep breaths to try and calm down. 

"Listen, girl. You're going to bring ten thousand dollars to us, you hear? I'll send you the address after this. If you don't come with the money, you can say goodbye to your dear brother." Without anything more, the person on the other end of the line hung up.

This day just got worse.
I was mad, damn mad. Some hooligans think they can just snatch my brother out of nowhere? Not happening on my watch. Why didn't Mikuo fight back? Was he that unprepared?
I rushed into the room a little too quickly, startling everyone inside. Teto took one look at me, and immediately got serious, "What's up?"
"My brother. He got kidnapped."
Rin's eyes widened in shock, Len was looking at me with concern, Teto jumped up from where she was sitting and came to my side, "Call the base. Make sure it isn't some prank."
I shook my head and grasped her shoulders, "I heard him on the phone. They made him speak into the phone. The dumbass even told me not to go get him."
Teto stared at me in disbelief, "No way. He wouldn't let himself get beaten by some -what?- gangsters?" My phone's chime interrupted her speculation. I showed her the message that had came in, and watched as the fact that my brother, our boss, had been kidnapped sink in.
She was all business now, "We need to go get him. I'll go get the guns."
Teto stormed out of the room. She looked up to my brother a lot, we were almost sisters the way Mikuo treated the both of us. The news was hard for her to take in too. I glanced at Rin and Len, who were still watching me. Len seemed to know what I was thinking, "Go ahead. We'll be fine."
I don't know if it's a twin thing, but Rin seemed to know as well, "Mom and Dad are coming back early anyways. We won't go out anywhere, the safest place is home after all."
I went over to give both of them a tight hug, and said, "I don't know how long this would take, but while we're gone please be careful. Tell your parents what happened, alright?"
Rin nodded, "We will. And don't worry, Orange and Banana will be fine too. We all will. You owe us though, when you get back."
I couldn't help but let out a laugh, "Okay. I'll treat you to lunch."
Rin smiled, then pushed me towards the door, "Okay, go. Your brother needs you."
Before I could step out the door, Len grabbed my arm and kissed me on the lips. He rested his forehead on mine and said, "Be careful."
I gave him a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine."
Teto came back out from the guest room with two bags. One for her, one for me. She hoisted hers onto her shoulder, then held the other out for me, "Ready to go?"
I gave Len and Rin a last hug, then grabbed the bag.
In sync, Teto and I rushed out of the house. Lucky, we were already in assassin outfits. I wonder if we subconsciously knew something was going to happen today. While running, Teto pressed a button on her bracelet. A motorcycle came skidding over by itself. Teto threw her bag in front of her, and revved the motorcycle. I hopped on and held her waist so as to not fall off.

We're coming, Mikuo.

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