Chapter 27: The hospital

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A nurse directed us to Fudo's ward, where he was staring at the tiny television in the corner of the wall, the volume so soft you can't hear a thing. Actually, I doubt the volume is even on. Okay, then that's a different story.

When he saw us, he immediately tried to sit up on his own. The nurse hurried over to help him up into a sitting position. When he got comfortable enough, he waved the nurse away and gestured us to grab the nearby chairs.

"You probably know why I asked for you." When Fudo said this he looked straight at me. His piercing eyes searched mine. I refuse to cower, and held my head high.
"The twins are missing."
"I know."
"And you wanted us here because..?"
Fudo sighed, "Look, I know you want to be out there to find the kids. Believe me, I want to join you as well, but I'm not able to. So I can only entrust this to you." As he said that, he held out a key. It was simple, made of plain steel, nothing like the rest of their house. He handed me the key and said, "I think you know which room this key opens." 

Believe me, I do. There's only one other door in that house that needs a key. 

Fudo stared me in the eye, "Save my children." 

Mikuo cleared his throat, "Where's your wife?" 

Fudo inspected him with suspicion, "In the next room." 

Mikuo nodded at me, "Shall we go visit her at the same time?" 

We didn't even get the chance to. A nurse that went to check on Anka came rushing out, calling for a doctor. The urgency and panic in her voice didn't sound like everything was good. 

"Doctor! This patient's heartbeat suddenly stopped!" 

Everyone in the room froze, Fudo's eyes were wide with panic. He grabbed my arm forcefully, and commanded, "Go check on my wife." 

I rushed to the door and managed to stop a frantic nurse, "What's going on?"
She waved me away, "No time to explain, the patient's life is at stake." 

Well, that's not good. 

Mikuo dragged me away from the door, wrestling my grip off the doorknob, "We can't do anything but wait. While we do that, try not to cost the hospital anything, will you?" 

I paced the room, and didn't meet Fudo's eyes. I could feel his anxious gaze on me, as if watching me walk off the anxiety can get rid of his anxiety. The doctor and nurses were in the ward for a really long time, when doctor finally stepped out, he turned to enter Fudo's ward. His eyes were filled with remorse, and I already knew what he was going to say. I still held my breath, hoping it wasn't true. 

"I'm sorry sir, we did all we could. Your wife has passed on." 

The room became dead silent. Fudo was letting out small gasps in shock. We didn't talk much, but Anka was such a nice person. It didn't seem fair for someone innocent to die. Oh, who's going to tell the twins? They're going to be so devastated. 

Of course it would be me. Who else is going to do so?

Mikuo placed a hand on my shoulder, and ordered softly, "We need to go, we got twins to save." 

Right. Save the twins first. Everything else after. 

We sneaked out of the ward and out of the hospital. There was no more reason for us to stay. Mikuo dialed a number into his phone, and gave out orders, "Teto, meet us at the house tonight. We're going to sneak into a room." 

We still have to wait till tonight? I'm so tempted to just go now. 

The wait had better be worth it. 

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