Chapter 2: Meeting the twins

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I dragged my luggage out of the cab and thanked the cab driver, then checked the address Mikuo sent me. This huge mansion with many windows was the right place. Why would anyone need that many windows for? It's a waste of glass. One or two windows would do. I rolled my eyes, then pulled my luggage with me to the massive front gate.

The doorbell pealed as I waited outside. While waiting I observed my surroundings. The wind was blowing, causing my long hair to fly all over the place. Rain is probably on its way. The street the mansion was on seemed pretty quiet, with dogs barking occasionally. I went back to scanning the mansion. The number of windows would be good for sniping if ever needed, the huge balconies too. I wonder if I would have my own room, or will I be sleeping on the floor?

Finally after what seemed like an hour (it was actually only five minutes), a maid came out the front door and walked to the front gate. She bowed to me and asked, "May I know of your business to be here, miss?"

"I'm the new... bodyguard," I cringed internally when I said that.

"Ah, our mistress has been expecting you. Please come in." She opened the gates and showed me into the compound.

The maid led the way to the front door and opened it for me to step inside. The interior of the house stunned me for a few seconds, it was brighter than outside and clearly expensive objects were exhibited everywhere for anyone and everyone to see. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and scattered the sunlight across the front room. It was blinding.

"Akasuki? Who is it?" A high voice rang out from the stairs, echoing around the room.

"The new bodyguard, mistress. You said you were expecting?" The maid - Akasuki - told the voice upstairs.

"Ah yes! I'm coming down. Rin, Len! Stay in your rooms!"

"What? Why?" A young female's voice shouted from one of the rooms upstairs. The lady of the house completely ignored the question from her daughter and rushed down the stairs to greet me.

She made it seem as if I was some celebrity. At least I don't need to wait again.

She gestured me towards the large couch and said, "Please, have a seat."

I did as she told and let her start the conversation. "Akasuki, please take the young lady's bag to the room I asked you to prepare."

So I do get a room. Nice.

Akasuki took my luggage and lugged it up the stairs. I pity the maid, carrying such a heavy luggage up who knows how many flights of stairs.

The lady of the house reached over the shake my hand, "You must be from that league I found. Your name is..?"

I returned the gesture, "Hatsune Miku. Pleased to meet you."

"Yes, same here. My husband is out right now so it's just me. I will be going soon but I wanted to welcome you here first. My name is Anka, my husband's is Fudo. I'm sure you know why you're here?"

"My boss told me the objection is to protect a pair of twins, I assume is your children. May I know what exactly are they in danger from?"

Anka sighed, "Both of us work in a big company, we have many rivals. They may want to use our children as a bargain, and I don't want that to happen. That's why we searched for the best, even going to the dark web. We heard of your league and thought of hiring someone."

They must really want to protect their kids if they went all the way as to search for us.

"I see, I will do my best."

"Thank you. We will pay you every month, is that alright with you?"

"Yes. It's fine. I presume I have my own room?"

"Ah yes, the maids will see you to your room-"

"Rin! Get back here!" A shout interrupted.

A blonde girl raced down the stairs singing, "You can't catch me!" She froze when she saw me staring at her.

A blonde boy who looks a lot like her - her twin brother obviously- slammed into her, in doing so pushing her to the ground. She hissed at him while he laughed at her. He hadn't notice me yet.

Anka cleared her throat, "Rin, Len, could you behave yourselves? We have a guest. And didn't I tell you to stay in your rooms?"

They looked over at us sitting at the couch. The boy pulled his sister off the ground, "Sorry Mom, we got bored," They said in unison. Anka gestured them over to sit beside her, "These two are my kids. Rin and Len, this is Hatsune Miku, your new bodyguard."

I still hate that word.

Rin was a hyper girl with short blonde hair that reached her shoulders. A big white bow sat on her head, making it look like bunny ears. Len was a much more chill boy with blonde hair long enough to tie in a small ponytail. His hair was pretty messy but in a good way.

What? I'm a girl, I look out for guys too. Just not as much as others.

Both had bright blue eyes and they were burning with curiousity as they scanned me up and down. I bowed in my seat and said calmly as if I didn't just witness the two acting like children, "It's nice to meet you."

Rin poked her mother's arm, "Mom, why do we need another bodyguard? We have two already."

Anka shrugged, "No harm having three."

That is true but kind of uneven. Oh well, none of my business.

"Will she be staying here with us?" Rin continued. Len was still staring at me. I tried not to look in his direction.

"Of course, you can't make her sleep out in the cold, can you?"

"No, I guess not."

"She's around your age, so maybe you guys can be friends."

Friends. With an assassin. That is highly not recommended. Who knows what they could be dragged into?

"Since you two are already here, you can show Miku to her room. I need to go to work."

"Oh, okay. Have fun at work!" Rin wished her mother well, and Len finally stopped staring at me. Anka gave them a grimace, and tapped me on the shoulder, "We'll discuss more when I get back." I nodded.

With that, she picked up her handbag and hurriedly left, not looking back for one second to check on her kids again. 

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