Chapter 20: Level three?

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I went back to waking up earlier to exercise and keep in shape, training my reflexes and aiming skills. Sometimes when she felt like it, Teto would come along. More like if she can wake up. Usually doesn't so I always go to the gym alone.
I had gotten up earlier to do some patrolling around the house before I went to the gym. When I came back, I noticed some of the lights were on and a dark figure was moving. Was someone awake?

I sneaked up the stairs, making sure my steps were light so as to not draw any attention. The shadowy figure had went up to the third level, the forbidden level. One of the twins' parents, maybe?
I couldn't resist the curiosity of finding out what was on the third level. My heart pounding so loudly I could hear it, I crept cautiously to the top of the stairs and was met with a door. Who puts a door at the top of the staircase?
I placed a hand on the door handle and froze. There were footsteps heading towards the door on the other side. I quickly let go, and scrambled down the stairs all the way back to the room Teto and I share. I closed the door as quickly and quietly as possible, then pressed my ear to the door to listen.
The heavy footsteps had stopped at level two. After what seemed like forever, they finally left. I breathed a sigh of relief, and slid to the floor to calm my heart which was beating so fast it was probably unhealthy.

The table lamp next to Teto's bed flickered on, and Teto sat up. She had a dagger in her hand aimed and ready to fire, until she saw it was me, she sighed in exasperation, "If I hadn't looked, you would have probably been dead by now. What are you being so sneaky for?"
I picked myself off the floor and went over to sit on the edge of her bed. She shifted to make more room for me, though there really wasn't a need. I said, "Did you get a job description when Mikuo asked you to come here?"
She shook her head, "Did you?"
"I did, and one of the criteria was to not go to level three."
She made a face, "Why, is there something up there?"
"I wish I knew."
She gave me a wicked grin, "Wanna check it out?"
I frantically shook my head, "Not now. There's someone up there right now."
She shrugged, "Later, then. After school. The twins' parents wouldn't be back so early."
"How do you know?"
She picked up a phone which was charging and waved it around, "I found their schedule and took a picture of it."
"You should have been called 'Thief' instead of 'Cake'."
Teto laughed, "No, that's not cute."
We shared a laugh, snickering softly while shushing each other. Telling each other to shut up just made us laugh more, until I covered her mouth and said, "Okay, okay, no more laughing. We gotta get up, wake the twins up too, and get ready for school."
She pried my hand off her mouth, "And after that, we go exploring!"
I rolled my eyes, and said, "Yes, we'll go exploring."
Teto hopped off the bed, and went over to the dressing table to do her hair. "How's the wound coming along?" She asked as she pulled a hair brush through her curls.
I rolled my shoulder, "A little sore, but it's better."
"You'll be back to throwing daggers in no time."
I said sarcastically, "Yes, because that's any better than a gun."
She flashed me a grin and beckoned me over. I sat down in front of the dressing table and let Teto do my hair. She loves doing that, said she loved the silky feeling of my hair. I let her tie my hair up every time, since she loved it so much. Teto has competition now, Rin loves giving my hair new hairstyles too.
Once we were done and changed, Teto waved me towards the door, "You can go wake your boyfriend up. I'll get Rin."
I gave her a look and she cheekily stuck her tongue out in return. She and Len have a lot in common, both love to tease me.

I opened Len's room door quietly, and peeked in. He hadn't woken up yet, the alarm clock was probably not working, I should remind him to get a new one. I tiptoed over to his bed, where he was peacefully sleeping. I settled on the floor next to his pillow, and just watched him sleep for a few minutes. He looked adorable. I softly ran my fingers through his hair, careful not to wake him up. I couldn't help myself from tracing his features lightly. When my fingers reached his lips, his hand suddenly grabbed my wrist. I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from making any audible sound. Len planted a soft kiss on my knuckles, and in a raspy voice he said, "Good morning, princess." 

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