Chapter 4: Job description

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About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. I had just finished putting everything away, including the clothes so lucky me. I took a dagger and strapped it onto my thigh. I always made sure I had a weapon with me. Actually there were knives made with my boots that could slide out whenever I wanted them to. You never know what could happen.

I unlocked the door and was surprised to see Len, "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, uh Dad called and said they would be back a little late, so they said to eat dinner without them. Dinner's ready, downstairs. Rin told me to come get you. Are you done unpacking?"

I glanced back at my empty luggage, "Yeah, I'm done."

"Cool, let's go."

When we reached the dining table, Rin was already stuffing her face with food. She waved us over, "Oh, you're finally here! How's the unpacking?"

"All done," I said as I pulled out a chair in front of Rin.

"Damn, you are fast."

I shrugged, "You eat fast." Len nearly choked on his food at my comment.

Rin kicked her brother under the table, and shoved more food into her mouth. Amused, I picked up my chopsticks are joined them.

We finished eating in about 20 minutes. I sent Rin and Len off to take their shower, with the way everything was going I seem more like a babysitter than a bodyguard. I don't know whether that's better or worse. While waiting for them to be done, I checked my phone for any news.

There was surprisingly, one message from Mikuo: 'How's the job?'

'It's alright.'

'That's good, having fun as a babysitter?'

I swear, he has telepathy powers.

'I'm not a babysitter.'

'You're a bodyguard lol.'

Ugh. I'm so going to whack him when I get back.

'I'm an assassin. This is a job. You're only supposed to send me anything important.'

'Your well-being is important.'

I appreciate the concern, but I don't need it.

'Aren't you going to ask me how I am?'

Hah. As if.


'Ouch. Cold.'

I'm not taking it back. He may be my boss, but he's my brother and he's annoying.

'And what makes you think I have nothing important to tell you? I'm messaging you because you have a job description.'

'Oh really?'

'Yeah, the mistress of the house sent it herself. Said she didn't have your number so she sent it here.'

'Send it to me.'

He forwarded a long text which had everything that I was supposed to do, and what I was not supposed to do. Man, they had many points to make. I pretty much got the things that I was supposed to do, so I read the things I wasn't supposed to do. One criteria caught my eye. 'Don't go to level 3.' They don't want either me or their kids to go there? Honestly, it's suspicious. But I'm not going to snoop around. Not yet anyways.

"Miku! You can use the bathroom now!" Rin called from the second level, Len had just came out of the first level bathroom and man, I'm not exaggerating when I said the view took my breath away.

His hair was down and dripping water to the floor. He was dressed in a sleeveless top and shorts that reached his knees. His skin was slightly flushed from the warm water. He noticed me at the foot of the stairs and said, "You haven't showered?"

"Rin just came out the bathroom as well." The poor maids were going to have to mop the floor if he continued standing there. I walked over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him up the stairs, "You're going to catch a cold if you keep standing there. And the maids would have to mop the floor again. Didn't you dry your hair?"

"With a towel, yeah. But it needs a hairdryer."

We had just reached the second level when I realised what I did. What am I doing?? My brain was in autopilot and I went to grab Len's wrist. I could feel my face heating up. Am I blushing? Please don't let him notice.

I pulled him to his room, and pushed him inside. "Dry your hair. I'll be right back."

Wait, why did I say that?! What's going on with my brain?

I went to grab my clean clothes and took a deep breath. I need to clear my mind.

This job is so different from the ones I had before, it's too new. What do I do? 

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