Chapter 30 : Horrible reunion

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"What are you doing here?" I growled, hiding my shock at seeing his unwelcomed face. 

He sauntered in, not fazed by the fact that his daughter was holding a gun. Granted, it wasn't pointed at his face. "That's no way to talk to your father," he grinned at me. I wanted to punch his stupidly smug face in. 

No. I wanted to rip his black heart out. 

"Damn, I sincerely wonder how I am in any way related to you.for one, would never abandon the people I love." 

He sneered, "Yeah, I can tell." 

Unwilling to lose control of my anger, I gritted my teeth and said, "You didn't answer my question." 

He sighed, "You and your brother may have taken over the company, but you know, a man has to get money somewhere. So, I currently am running a small business. It won't grow too big, don't worry, you wouldn't need to take over that one." 

Like I cared whether or not he has enough money to survive. 

Teto was watching our confrontation out of the corner of her eye, nervous and unsure of the outcome. Her gun was still aiming at one of the men standing near the twins, and knowing her, she wouldn't move it until I made a move. I am counting on her to rely on her instincts for this, because I don't know what to do. 

"Miku." My shitty father directed my attention back to him, "Put the gun down. We can talk this out." 

"Talk what out? Recount everything that happened when Mikuo and I were still kids? Let you bargain your way out of this? Push the blame on us? I'm sorry, I don't plan on letting that happen." 

His eyes turned sad. His acting skills were good, but not good enough. I was not fooled. "It was for your own good, Miku. Both you and Mikuo. If I hadn't killed that whole family, they would come hunt us down. The police would be after us, we wouldn't even be here talking."

"No, they would come after you!" I screamed at him, tears were already filling up my eyes and were threatening to fall. It was dangerous to block my eyesight with something so trivial. But was this really insignificant? 

"If you had left them alone, they would hunt you down. You would be in jail. Life sentence. Mom wouldn't be where she is now!" The tears were really streaming down my face now. I wasn't lying when I said my parents were pretty much ghosts. One was figurative, the other wasn't. Then again, Mom wasn't that great either. She loved my father too much, it made her blind to the injustice of what he did. When she found out he had taken the lives of a whole family, she couldn't take it. She had imagined her family in their place. And what did she do? 

I think you know. 

"Why are you here? Get straight to the point, I'm not in the mood for games." I growled at him, impatience and rage would have blocked out every bit of rationality if not for the matter at hand. 

He stopped acting then. He spread his arms out wide with a matching grin and said, "Isn't it obvious? I was the one who ordered for the kidnapping of your dear friends." 

Teto's eyes widened in shock, I was furious. I heard the rustling of clothes, and I turned my head a little to see Rin cringe into her brother. 

"I'm sure you're curious to know the reason why, so I'll tell you. Like I said, I am running a small business. This one too, involves the use of guns. Your dear friends' father helps in the process of shipping guns over here illegally. But of course, the rich can be greedy, and he is no different. I must say, he should have known better than to steal a gun from my order. I'm guessing he knows now. Oops!" He saw the twins' shocked and dismayed faces, and he clapped a hand over his mouth with mocking apology, "Did you two not know that? I'm sorry, dear children." 

Rin's eyes were welling up, and Len's face was hardening, as both of them processed the information they just heard. Doubt, anger, betrayal. They should not have felt these emotions. All because my father wanted to entertain himself and wouldn't shut his big mouth. 

I really wouldn't miss him when he's gone. 

"Now," He pulled out his own gun and pointed it at me before giving me a dangerous smile, "Drop the gun, my dear. Or things will be very nasty, indeed." 

Teto sensed the urgency but couldn't do anything. Any move from her would cause a bullet to fly and one of us wouldn't make it out of here alive. 

Where were the others? 

"If I put down the gun, will you?" I forced out the question, trying to negotiate with him. I had an idea, and I've worked with Teto often enough to trust that she knows what I'm going to do. Even though it was the first time we were using this trick to save others. Usually we do this to save ourselves. 

He grinned evilly, "Maybe." 

We all know he won't do that.

Here goes.

I lowered myself slowly to the ground, keeping my eyes on my father all the time. His gun followed me, and I could feel Teto watching me out of the corner of her eye. Her eyes were narrowed. She probably already caught on, because she went back on focusing on the two men.
Making sure my hair covered my hand, I reached into my pocket and pawed out the bracelet.


I fired at my father's foot while the other hand shot out and threw the bracelet at the twins. An agonised yell echoed throughout the room as he stumbled onto the floor. Teto shot one of the guys standing next to the twins in the head, and quickly threw a dagger at the other. It had hit him in the throat before he knew how to react.
Len had caught the bracelet to prevent it from hitting him in the face (I didn't aim at anyone in particular okay). The minute his fingers touched the bracelet, a shield expanded from it and the other bracelets that the twins already had on them, forming a shield around the two of them.

The relief that washed through didn't last for long. It turned into panic when a sharp pain exploded from my skull. Adrenaline nulled the pain that would usually blossom across the skull when being slammed onto the floor the way my father did to me.
I could vaguely tell his foot was a mess. Blood was spilling out of his foot like a damn fountain. His hands wrapped around my throat like a vice and my access to air was being cut off.

Damn those crazed, bloodshot eyes and that ugly ass smile on his face.

Fuck this bastard.

"Sorry dear, but you know what happens when I'm angry."

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