Chapter 17: Break-in

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I was sleeping in Len's room instead of the other way round. We forgot about Teto earlier, who would have the whole room to herself tonight. Well, she would be happy.
As I was leaving the room, she said, "Maybe we should patrol outside. We could take turns."
"I'm alright."
"Okay, then. Not tonight though, I want to sleep." She closed the door in my face right after she said that. I rolled my eyes. The patrols are never going to happen at this rate.
I heard the television going on downstairs before entering Len's room. The news, still going on about what happened at the mall. Was it that big of a deal? When are the twins' parents going to sleep?
Also, have I mentioned how big Len's room is? Seems like every room in this house is huge. He could play basketball in his room, there's even a net for him to shoot.
Len was untying his hair when I entered. He looked over at me, and held his hand out. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I came to stand beside him.
"Where do I sleep?" I asked, searching for an extra mattress while cuddling the corgi plush he had gotten me (I can't sleep without it now), which was nowhere to be found.
He said nothing and just pulled me over to his bed. He sat down and patted the space beside him, "Here."
Here. His bed. With him.
I mean, his bed is huge. I could definitely fit and neither one of us would fall off. Was this considered improper though? 

I sat down next to Len, and he asked, "If Teto had not told us about your job, would you have told us about it one day?" What kind of a question is that?                                                                "I would, without a doubt," I replied immediately, "Maybe not now, but definitely one day. I can't keep anything from you guys for too long. It wouldn't be fair to you guys to be friends with someone you barely know much about."                                                                                                         Len stared at me for a few minutes, until it became a little awkward. I shifted a little, running my fingers through my hair, and asked quietly, "What? Is something wrong?"                 "Can I try something?" Len weaved his fingers through my hair, and cradled the back of my head.  "Wh-what is it?" He leaned in closer, until our foreheads were almost touching. I could feel his breath on my lips, I could smell the scent of the minty toothpaste he had used before I came into the room. My heart was going so fast, I couldn't get a decent breath out. His lips, soft and sweet, pressed very lightly to mine. My response was fully based on instinct, nothing else. Not as if I had done this kind of thing before, never. My hands threaded through his hair, pulling him closer, because quite frankly, I wanted more. I wanted him, every bit of him. He was hesitant at first, exploring. As his confidence grew, so did his intensity. I could only respond with the same amount of intensity, if not more.
We ended up toppling onto the bed, him hovering above me. We stared at each other, watching each other as we tried to catch our breaths. I hid my face behind my hands as realization hit me.
I just had my first kiss. Len took it.
No, I gave it. And I don't regret a single bit of it.
Is it bad to say I wanted more? Why was sleep needed for humans to survive?
His hands gently pried mine off my face, and he pressed his lips to my temple. "First time?"
I nodded, then I yawned a little, ruining the mood.
He smirked, "Looks like someone's tired."
I snuggled closer, "Today was eventful."
Len reached over me to save the corgi plush which had fell to the floor, and placed in my arms for me to cuddle. "Indeed," He mused, "Do you think tomorrow might be more eventful?"
"I'll take anything that doesn't involve guns."
He laughed, unfazed, "Goodnight, Miku." He stretched to switch off the lamp that was placed beside his bed. 
"Goodnight, Len."

A thump outside the door startled me awake. Len was still asleep, he didn't hear that sound. I peeped at the spacing between the door and the floor, the lights were out. So who was it sneaking around at - I checked the clock - three in the morning? I slowly got up from the bed so as to not wake Len up, and pressed my ear against the door. There were two voices, faint and both male. Which meant they were on the first level of the house. It was safe enough to go out. I reached under my night gown to unsheathe the dagger which was strapped to my leg, no matter what the situation is. I slowly opened the door to a crack, upon seeing that the coast was clear, I stepped out fully and eased the door closed. When the door to the guest room opened too, I almost scurried back into Len's room. I relaxed when Teto's messy pink curls showed up. She nodded at me, and pulled out a handgun. Seems like I wasn't the only one who heard a sound. 
Together, we crept towards the top of the staircase. We peered through the railings of the staircase, searching for whatever made those noises. The two dark shapes were hurriedly trying to stuff a painting into a black bag. They probably miscalculated the size of a painting. 

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