Chapter 5: School

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I heard the alarm clocks sound in Rin and Len's rooms, which was my signal to get ready for this... school as well. I had gotten up earlier to train, working out at the gym room. I had just came out of the shower when I heard the alarm clocks. I got dressed in an appropriate attire- a silver and grey dress with light blue highlights on the edges. Len had told me that any attire was allowed in school, as long as it was appropriate. The dress was short enough for easier movement. The sleeves were detached from the dress and showed my shoulders. They reached my wrists, which hid another dagger that I hid up my left sleeve. I wore thigh high boots, which also hid another dagger. Don't judge me, daggers are easier to hide than guns.

After tying my hair up in twin tails, I went to check if Rin and Len were ready. I knocked on their doors, and called, "Are you guys ready yet? We haven't eaten breakfast yet, you know."

Len opened his door after I said that, "Yeah, I'm done." He was dressed in a white shirt and black shorts both with yellow highlights. He had knee high socks, also with yellow highlights. They matched his hair, and brought out his blue eyes, which were also scanning me up and down.

I tried not to get distracted by him and pointed at Rin's door, "Do you think she's up?"

He walked over, "Oh yeah. Watch this."

He slammed Rin's door open and yelled, "RIN, GET UP BEFORE I STEAL YOUR BREAKFAST!"

Rin shot out of bed, "YOU WOULDN'T."


I just stood there and watch everything unfold. So this is how every morning goes by. I pity the house staff even more.

I have to admit though, that threat worked. I have never seen someone move that fast just for breakfast. Soon, Rin was out and ready, dressed in a matching outfit as Len. White crop top, black shorts (shorter than Len's) and yellow highlights. Not forgetting her white bow.

"Okay, okay. I'm ready. What's for breakfast?"

I headed towards the stairs, "Smells like pancakes."

We finished breakfast quickly, grabbed our bags and headed out the front door. I paused, "Wait, what about your parents?"

Rin waved off my concern, "They leave for work early every single day, we've gotten used to it."

"How are we getting to school?"

Rin pointed at the expensive looking car waiting at the front gate, "By car."

I am so dumb. They're rich, of course they have a car. I can use the rest of my money for other stuff then, like that punching bag I wanted to get.

We got to school on time, thanks to the car and its driver. I made sure to thank the driver before I got off. It's basic courtesy.

As we walked to the main building (Len and I walked, Rin skipped like an excited little bunny), I noticed people staring and whispering amongst themselves. That's when it hit me. This pair of twins were popular kids in school. Girls swooned at the sight of Len, he ignored them entirely. Boys stared after Rin, which she was oblivious to. Len did glare at the guys who were staring at Rin though, protective-brother mode on. Suddenly, Rin stopped in her tracks, almost causing us to bump into her. She spun around and exclaimed, "I almost forgot! You need to register yourself at the office, Miku."

"Oh yeah. Where is it? I can go there myself."

Before Rin could answer (probably starting to say that she could bring me there) when this girl with long, blonde hair -another blonde, too many blondes- stepped up beside Len and said in a cheery voice, "Good morning, Len! Good morning, Rin!"

"Morning." Len replied in a monotonous voice. The blonde didn't seem affected by his tone, and continued to ask, "Are you guys going to class?"

Rin was curt with her answer, "No, we're not. We're bringing Miku to the office first to register herself." I looked at Rin curiously, I've never heard that tone from her before. Pretty obvious she didn't like this girl.

Finally, the blonde noticed me. Was I that hard to spot? I always thought my hair made me stand out, but sure okay whatever. She faked a smile, "You're new here? I'm Akita Neru. Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." No it's not, but I don't need to fake a smile and pretend.

Before anyone else could go on with a conversation, Len grabbed my wrist and said, "Yeah, anyways we'll see you around." He pulled me in another direction, presumably the office, with Rin walking on the other side of him. My neck tingled with the sense of a hostile stare burning a hole in my back. I didn't bother looking back. 

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